The Cornered Cat
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House clearing

…es (AR15 type) and chamber a round. Weā€™ll make sure we have a couple of reloads as well. Iā€™ll then tell you, ā€œStay behind cover, and whatever else you do, do NOT approach or enter the house until you see us come out.ā€ We will then enter and clear the home. We are wearing body armor and carrying rifles. We do NOT, except under extreme emergency, enter a home alone. We accept that if someone is there, there is a good chance… Continue reading

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Alertness tips

…ry anyway, because awareness is important. But because total awareness is totally impossible, we also need to build a contingency plan. That plan should take over any time you know you will focus down on some other task. For example, most of us canā€™t go through the day without texting a friend. Thatā€™s okay and expected. We also know that we literally cannot pay much attention to the world around us while weā€™re doing it…. Continue reading

Survey says …?

…ā€¦ā€ ā€œWe absolutely do not allow human-shaped targets on our range. People just want to hit bullseyes and have fun with friends.ā€ From where Iā€™m sitting, it sure looks like a lot of new gun owners come into our community looking for self-defense information. So why are so many outreach programs so reluctant to give it it to them? Discuss, please. Notes: For comparison, a little over a third (36%) said they own guns… Continue reading

Taken away and used against you

…n with likeminded others and spread the word around. But you canā€™t grab these skills out of a book or off a video and expect to do well with them, not any more than you could expect to learn how to waterski from watching a video or reading a book. [1] I stole that phrase from Tamara several years ago, and have used it as my own ever since. Thanks, Tam! Edit: Changed one sentence for better clarity. Notes: For comparison, a little over a third… Continue reading

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More Ways

…ve to be ā€” and you should not try to be! ā€” the source of all learning for your students. When you realize that youā€™re not the best source of information for something your students need to know, you donā€™t have to fake knowledge you donā€™t have. You can simply guide them to a better source of information and drive on. The strongest teachers boldly admit their weaknesses. Notes: For comparison, a little over a third… Continue reading

Unintentional Discharges Project – Part 3

…se events, but only as long as weā€™re willing to actually talk about them. What happened? How did it happen? What factors do the people who were there think are important? Thatā€™s what we need to know. 3 Notes: For comparison, a little over a third (36%) said they own guns for hunting, and a combined 21% own them for recreation, sport, or target shooting. ā†© Which is a good thing. The idea that people can (or worse, should) only… Continue reading

One Piece of Advice

…ants. Not because theyā€™re ā€œbadā€ and someone will punish you for badthought, but because you care about the way your mind works, and you want to stay fully grounded in reality. Guard your mindset. Notes: For comparison, a little over a third (36%) said they own guns for hunting, and a combined 21% own them for recreation, sport, or target shooting. ā†© Which is a good thing. The idea that people can (or worse, should) only… Continue reading

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The Embarrassing Questions Department

…ter speed draws. The Glock was unloaded, per IPSC rules. She closed the door to the portapotty, began unfastening her belt ā€¦ ā€¦ and the firearm jumped right out of her holster and landed, KER-PLUNK, in the slime. Ewwwwww!! Even for those of us who rarely carry in open front holsters, range portapotties pose an annoying risk of dropping magazines, speedloaders, pocket knives, flashlights, and anything else you might fasten on or near… Continue reading

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