The Cornered Cat
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“Made by a woman for women!”

…duct is, itā€™s not a safe place to put your concealed carry gun unless it does ALL of the following: Holds the gun securely, in a way that wonā€™t fall out if itā€™s subjected to the Tip Test. Covers the trigger completely, with something sturdy enough to protect the trigger from being moved by any force outside the holster. Allows you to get the gun out with a reasonable amount of safe, predictable smoothness. The gender of your… Continue reading

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Could You Really?

…athy,ā€ she asked me, with somewhat elaborate casualness, ā€œyour husband tells me youā€™ve been taking a lot of shooting classesā€¦?ā€ ā€œYep,ā€ I told her, ā€œIā€™ve got another class coming up in March, an advanced class which Iā€™m taking over again because I didnā€™t do as well on the test at the end as Iā€™d hoped. Itā€™s pretty challenging stuff.ā€ She shot me a weird, sidelong… Continue reading

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Pressure tests

…ng to learn something new. I donā€™t think thatā€™s an effective teaching technique. Thereā€™s a place for that type of pressure, but I think that pressure should be applied after the student has already learned the techique and become reasonably proficient in it. For most adult students, learning something new provides its own kind of stress, and that type of stress is enough during the learning process. Once the skillset is learned, and with the… Continue reading

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Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

…r the most part so subconsciously that we donā€™t even realize weā€™re doing it. (Well, except for the poor broken ones of us who have to do it consciously all the freaking time. Thatā€™s a deep hole too.) So the complete communication process is a feedback loop, a spiral, where participants constantly send unspoken messages from one to the other and back again so fast and so continuously that we donā€™t usually realize how often… Continue reading

A Better Holster, Part Three

…ip test). Because these basics are really yes/no ā€” the holster either does them or it does not ā€” we canā€™t expect any given holster to truly improve on these basic requirements. Or can we? Many users find it comforting when the holster includes a retention strap or some other user-operated way to keep the gun in place. A ā€œbetterā€ holster may or may not include these features, but if it does, the added features will… Continue reading

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Garden Club Ladies

…serious training classes? Of course, one thing that keeps these students away is the usual excuse common to all students: money and time. Letā€™s examine those more closely. Garden Club Ladies have a great deal of disposable income, and they spend it freely on products and events that are important to them. We can see by the clothes they wear that theyā€™re as willing to spend their money on themselves as on other people. These women like to feel… Continue reading

Gun Cleaning 101

…can and often does affect reliability, however. Uncleaned guns are more apt to jam when you most need them. Because the crud can slow down the slide, dirty semi-automatic firearms are prone to failures to feed or failures to completely eject the spent cases. Uncleaned revolvers are prone to binding up, and the double-action trigger can become difficult or impossible to pull if the cylinder isnā€™t turning easily. Poorly-cleaned or uncleaned… Continue reading

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“But I Unloaded It!”

…#8220;Does an Attacker Deserve to Die?ā€ for more discussion about this. ā†© On the flipside, sometimes putting people in new and unfamiliar situations actually helps them shoot better because the setting feels so uncomfortable that they suddenly start paying attention to the fundamentals they were ignoring before. Part of the art of a good instructor is noticing when students need one type of work, or the other. ā†© At least when… Continue reading