The Cornered Cat
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Rule Sets

…s fly. For even more trollish fun, try asking an even more basic question, such as ā€œHow do you define a ā€˜gunā€™ for safety-rule purposes?ā€ 1 And those are just about the wording variants within the most commonly accepted ruleset. Thatā€™s controversy enough! But of course there are other rulesets. The NRA Rules come to mind: Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction, Always keep your finger off the trigger until… Continue reading

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Fire Drill

This weekend, Iā€™m hanging at the Rangemaster Tactical Conference. Soooo much good stuff here, with presentations from some of the best serious gun trainers in the industry. There are over 20 professional instructors here, each presenting a 2-hour block of instruction, with classes going all weekend long. Best kept little secret out there. Anyway, Claude Werner taught one block I attended yesterday. Claudeā€™s subject was family safety… Continue reading

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Practice when ammo supplies are short

…ly clear the ā€˜malfunctionā€™ and take your next shot. As you use the dummy rounds, youā€™ll discover whether you have a flinch. If you find your front sight takes a dramatic dive toward the floor every time you come across a dummy, unload the gun and practice at least five (preferably ten) excellent dry fire shots before you go live again. Shoot tests and standards from the pros. This lets you practice a bunch of different skills… Continue reading

Ordinary People

…your teeth and a gun in either hand as the audienceĀ cheers. As exciting as that sounds, reality is a bit more boring. I am talking about simple skills that can help save the everyday lives of ordinary people. Want some examples? One of my regular readers has often said that she has no interest in taking classes where students ā€œroll around in the mud,ā€ because she already did that years ago in military training. I agree with her… Continue reading

What makes a good female firearms instructor?

…standing of carry methods that work well for a variety of female body shapes. Because on-the-hip carry works so well and with so little difficulty for the majority of men, thereā€™s somewhat of a resistance within the training community to allow female shooters the freedom to choose any other location for the holster. Unfortunately, many womenā€”especially those with pronounced hourglass figuresā€”find it extremely uncomfortable to carry a gun on the… Continue reading

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I am the very model of …

…ts a million hits and Iā€™m so proud my tac pants might bust I love to demo high speed low drag moves while my cameraman rolls in the dust. Record my shooting from the front ā€” itā€™s fine ā€™cause Iā€™m professional My interest in all types of guns has oft been called obsessional. All: His interest in all types of guns has oft been called obsessional. His interest in all types of guns has oft been called obsessional. His… Continue reading

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Carry where?

…on her left. Without warning, a pickup truck crashed through one of the front windows. It came completely into the building and when Suzanna looked up, she saw many injured people sprawled on the floor. As a trained medical professional, her first instinct was to go help ā€” but as she rose from her seat, she heard the sound of a gunshot. She and her father dropped to the floor, turning the table on its side in front of them and helping her… Continue reading

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The Modern Gun Instructor-er

…ts a million hits and Iā€™m so proud my tac pants might bust I love to demo high speed low drag moves while my cameraman rolls in the dust. Record my shooting from the front ā€” itā€™s fine ā€™cause Iā€™m professional My interest in all types of guns has oft been called obsessional. All: His interest in all types of guns has oft been called obsessional. His interest in all types of guns has oft been called obsessional. His… Continue reading

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