The Cornered Cat
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The look

…17;s about being prepared to handle whatever life throws at you in a very practical way. Itā€™s about keeping the life you already have, not about becoming someone else entirely. So hereā€™s the look Iā€™m after: competent, realistic, practical, professional. If I can manage ā€œfeminineā€ while Iā€™m at it, Iā€™ll take that. After the SHOT Show, my friend Oleg Volk took some of his friends and me out into the desert… Continue reading

Training Rant

…217;re being very foolish and short sighted. Firearms donā€™t protect you by themselves. They arenā€™t magic. They donā€™t defend your family for you. They cannot be effectively used without skill, and skill only comes to those who work for it. Bottom line: This is why I hold a profound degree of respect for my students, and for students of other schools who have worked to learn what they need to know. Their knowledge and skill… Continue reading

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The cost of training

…oung children at home, and our family lived entirely on my husbandā€™s low-end salary. Not an easy life, just the one we deliberately chose in order to rear our own homegrown children. Neither time nor money were easy to come by in those years, but when I decided to keep a defensive handgun on my hip, I made the decision to do whatever it took to get good training. A family friend purchased my first class for me, as a gift and as an… Continue reading

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The Dirty Little Secret

…ere, and when gun owners lost battle after battle in the courts and ballot boxes. The rare people who spoke up back then almost singlehandedly brought us to where we are today, and we all owe them a great debt because of it. Come to think of it, maybe weā€™re not braver. Maybe weā€™ve just come to understand that there are more of us than we ever knew, back in the days when concealed carry was a dirty little secret never discussed in… Continue reading

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Tech blegs

Okay, I think I have everything set up properly on this-here blog. But ā€¦ I might not have, so I need your help, please. First question, for those who read via RSS: are the complete posts coming through now? Iā€™ve had several people ask me to make sure the complete post goes out via RSS, not just the bit ā€œabove the fold.ā€ To be sure, this question is above the fold, but thereā€™s more below. Please let me know if you… Continue reading

Take a second, save a leg

…ention to what you are doing. Take a second. Commit yourself to practice a carefully aware reholster with every bit as much diligence as you practice your smooth and efficient draw. Stay safe. Notes: Human reaction time is a complex subject with a bajillion little variables to define and track. Because it is complex, a short summary such as Iā€™ve provided here cannot do it justice ā€” but hopefully as a practical field guide, this short… Continue reading

A few good men

…structor development course ā€“ I found his heavy emphasis on quick accuracy was exactly what I needed at that point in my learning curve. Not only that, but Tom has a way of pressuring his students into giving their best. The tests at the end of his classes are real tests, with the possibility of failure. That means success in his class has that sweet tang thatā€™s only possible when itā€™s not assured. There are many, many other good men who are… Continue reading

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A Handgun for Home Defense?

…admit that right up front. An important budget item to consider for any defensive weapon is training. I trust my handgun because I have trained extensively with it. I know how to load it and unload it. I know how to shoot it accurately, how to clear jams, how to reload it, how to fire accurately while walking, running, moving, hiding behind cover. I learned all those things in classes where talented (and stubborn) instructors taught me the most… Continue reading

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