The Cornered Cat
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…ked the question: ā€œIs this an overly simplistic approach, or a brutal truth?ā€ 1 My thought about this idea is that itā€™s very simplistic. But that doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t true. It is true, just not complete. Let me explain where Iā€™m coming from on this one by first sharing something I wrote in The Cornered Cat: A Womanā€™s Guide to Concealed Carry. Itā€™s toward the front of the book, because as I thought… Continue reading

Holsters in history

…rs of an exposed trigger, and shooters began training themselves not to handle the trigger until the gun was withdrawn from the holster and the muzzle on target, so you will rarely find such a holster todayā€” *** Update: A Facebook fan told me that cowboy action holsters do cover the trigger guard. Caught being lazy (rather than looking it up, Iā€™d simply assumed that authentic reproductions wouldnā€™t cover the trigger), I went and… Continue reading

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“No guns allowed”

…themselves from the unexpected violence. Maybe if someone there had been armed, that someone would still be alive, along with several others. Or maybe not. But shouldnā€™t they have had a chance? Hat tip to Miguel at Gun Free Zone. Notes: Although I donā€™t usually post pictures from unknown sources, I made an exception for this one I found on Facebook. If you know the source, please do let me know so I can give credit where itā€™s… Continue reading

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What Gun for a Woman?

…em is that few people are really systematic teachers, so if youā€™re trying to pick it up from an enthusiastic friend, well, you might be better off taking a class. For the guys: have you ever looked at a sewing machine? Complicated beasties, those. Firearms are simple in comparison. Donā€™t underestimate your wife/girlfriend/sister/mom.Ā  Sheā€™s probably smarter than youā€™re giving her credit for. 3 What gun for someone… Continue reading

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Help Build My Blogroll!

Who are your favorite bloggers and why? (And yes, I mean it: I really do need help building the list of people and places to link. Feel free to promo your own site in the comments.) Notes: Although I donā€™t usually post pictures from unknown sources, I made an exception for this one I found on Facebook. If you know the source, please do let me know so I can give credit where itā€™s due. Thanks! ā†© But if you really, really, really… Continue reading

Rack the Slide

…izing your gun by installing slimmer grips, getting a grip reduction, or even purchasing a different gun whose grip size is more suited for your hand. Ā  For Lefties Only Left-handers have some special challenges when it comes to running guns which are designed for right-handed people. This is nothing new for us lefties, since by the time any lefty reaches adulthood, weā€™ve all had years of practice at overcoming such challenges…. Continue reading

Sunday thoughts

…nice series of articles about gun ownership from a Christian womanā€™s perspective. You can find the series here: Part One ā€“ Inanimate objects Part Two ā€“ The morality of self-defense Part Three ā€“ Is gun free where you want to be? Lest I steal some of her thunder, Iā€™m not going to quote a whole lot here. But I loved this bit from Part Two: ā€œI have run into the midst of a fight with both fists a flyinā€™ to stop… Continue reading


…ough to simply put the ammunition to one side, or even across the room from where you are working, because human beings make mistakes. Reloading the gun ā€œby habit,ā€ without really intending to, is one of the more common mistakes made by people who are comfortable around firearms. It leads to a certain number of accidental shootings every single year. Get the ammunition entirely out of the room so that it would require a very… Continue reading

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