The Cornered Cat
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Awesome women

…have even more fun if you can make it down to Texas for the party!) AG&AG has spread across a whole bunch of states in just a few years, with hundreds of women getting involved. I love, love, love to see groups like this coming together and helping women learn how to stay safe and have fun with their firearms! Julianna also wants everyone to know what an awesome job the AG&AG facilitators are doing with the local clubs. She’s very… Continue reading

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Unload and Reload Revolvers

…ngers have replaced critical firing parts of the gun. The gun could never fire with the cylinder out. Gravity is your friend here. It is important that the gun is straight up and down. You want gravity to help drop the cases completely free of the gun. You don’t want to have to “sweep” the cases away with your other hand, or worse, tediously pick them out one by one. So let gravity help you. As you invert the gun, close your… Continue reading

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Lessons from the headlines #5

…, the resident told the intruder to stop. Instead of stopping, the intruder charged him. The sheriff’s office says the resident fired one shot as the intruder rushed him, but then the intruder tackled him. The resident broke free and was able to hold the intruder at gunpoint for approximately fifteen minutes until deputies arrived. Lessons from this story? Oh, yes. Don’t count on merely displaying the firearm being enough to stop a… Continue reading

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Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground Laws

…self defense. This rule is reflected in Florida law at 776.041: 776.041 Use of force by aggressor.—The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who: (1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or (2) Initially provokes the use of force against himself or herself, unless: (a) Such force is so great that the person reasonably believes that… Continue reading

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Why I Carry a Gun

…ns to take care of myself and my kids if I needed to. Because I had that confidence, I was able to be friendly and forthright. Eventually, the whole situation worked itself out, as these things do. Nobody offered me the slightest violence and because I was calmly confident of my ability to take care of it if they did, I was able to be outgoing and friendly rather than frightened or churlishly suspicious in dealing with other people, even in what… Continue reading

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