The Cornered Cat
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“Round” is a shape

Monday morning, I got up early and went down to the gym. I don’t always go into town to exercise—usually I just use the elliptical at home—but I enjoy using the wider variety of equipment there, and especially enjoy the … Continue reading

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Taken away and used against you

So a few days ago, I met up with Rory Miller, Don Stahlnecker, and a few mutual friends to discuss handgun retention and disarm techniques. These are the skills that allow you to maintain control of your own firearm or … Continue reading

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Black gun owners

My friend Kenn Blanchard recently penned an excellent article about the social  challenges faced by African American gun owners. Kenn writes: “For many shooters in the black community, gun ownership makes them a pariah.  They deal with gun bigotry, cultural … Continue reading

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In his excellent book, Facing Violence: Preparing for the Unexpected, Rory Miller talks about “glitches.” Glitches, he says, are the things that cause us to hesitate when we should be moving. A glitch can be caused by an unexpected emotional … Continue reading

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Pumpkin carving …

… with bullets explosives? This is just cool. Watch those pumpkin guts fly! Can’t think of a single practical use for any of it (unless you count “getting more people happily into shooting firearms at greater distances” as a practical … Continue reading

Taking a new shooter to the range

Professional shooting competitor Julie Golob has a post up on her blog that talks about how to take a new shooter to the range. It includes a helpful list of DO and DON’T items that improve your safety and your … Continue reading

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Duty to retreat

So here’s a news story for you. This involves a woman who was home alone, watching TV, when a 26-year-old man broke into her home through the bedroom window. Hearing the sound of breaking glass, the woman grabbed her handgun … Continue reading

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“No guns allowed”

In a story that will come as a surprise to nobody who’s paying attention, Azana Salon & Spa — that’s the place where three people were killed and four others injured last week in Wisconsin — had a “No guns … Continue reading

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