The Cornered Cat
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Why Pink?

…this and “TACTICAL” that. It was everywhere, this assumption that firearms owners are all male, or women who want to be male. So that was when I started plotting to build a very pink, very frilly, very feminine website about firearms. Truthfully, it was my response to this widespread and pernicious assumption that women who like firearms have to be masculine to be taken seriously. Nonsense, I said to myself. That’s not true. We… Continue reading

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…zles pointed in stupid directions and fingers always on the trigger. That’s not true any more. Yes, the nekkid-chicks-with-guns genre is alive and well. As are the “Hey! Look! I’m a GIRL! With a GUN!” sites run by women who haven’t yet learned anything else about firearms, and who maybe don’t intend to learn. But those are no longer the only women talking about firearms on the web. It’s not just the… Continue reading

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Building Good Habits

…stance, with the same cautious respect you would give it if you knew for sure that there was a round in the chamber and the gun would fire if the trigger was pulled? If so, you are building a good safety habit in relation to Rule One. Rule Two Violating Rule Two is, I think, the most immediate cause of this man’s injury. He pointed the gun directly at his own body before he pulled the trigger. Why he did so is not really the critical… Continue reading

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Legal Resources

…sive exploration of the legal, ethical, and moral parameters of defending oneself and others with lethal force. The two points of emphasis are “street survival” and “court survival.” Throughout, the thrust is on developing a mindset that allow you to cope with life-threatening stress while remaining totally defensible in a court of law. Judges and attorneys who’ve taken the class say that the deadly force training… Continue reading

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A few days ago, A Girl and Her Gun posted this as her status on Facebook: Got a request to post about a site(I have received several recently, some are good). It’s a gun range and the tagline is fun and safety. Big long section on attention to detail and saefty. The site has a host of half naked chicks ALL with their guns in the air and ALL with fingers on the trigger. Anyone want to guess what my answer was?? Like AGirl, I don’t care a… Continue reading

Securing Firearms in the Home

…f 2006 money. My comparably sized true safe is slightly larger, and at 1850 lbs, weighs about 750 lbs. more. However, the product I’m selling did not have the gloss enamel exterior, interior lights, or artwork decals. True Safes What a true safe, that does meet the U.L. classification, will offer is this: As a minimum, ” plate steel construction on all six sides of the container. In the particular comparison of the Liberty against a… Continue reading

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How did this happen?

…bsite about guns. The first version of Cornered Cat was a little rough around the edges, and over the top in feminine design. Its primary motif was pink lace – lots of pink lace. I wanted it to be super-clear that this was a site owned and run by a woman, not by a wanna-be man with a raging case of penis envy. Back in real life, in 2003 I started working as an apprentice instructor at the Firearms Academy of Seattle. By 2005, I became a fully… Continue reading

Caliber Confusion

…ars. Initially developed as a black-powder round, it successfully made the transition to smokeless powder and today is very popular for Cowboy-Action Shooting. Note Revolvers designed around the .44 Special can also fire .44 Russian. Those designed around the .44 Magnum can also fire both .44 Special and .44 Russian. Introduced around the turn of the last century, the .44 S&W Special (commonly called simply .44 Special) uses a somewhat… Continue reading

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