This time of year, a lot of us have fresh new magazines with super-stiff springs. If you’re having trouble filling your new magazine, try an Uplula loader. These things are like magic!

Pink Uplula loader from
This type of loader is very easy to use. You simply place it over the top of your magazine, with the front of the magazine facing toward you. Squeeze the loader and push it down firmly, so that it smooshes the follower out of your way. Now you can simply drop your round into the magazine, with the bullet nose pointed toward you. Once the round is in place, relax your hand and allow the Uplula to reset, then repeat the process to fill the entire magazine.
It takes the work out of filling even the stiffest magazine, and adjusts to fit both single-stack and double-stack magazines. There’s a “Baby Uplula” for small calibers too.
When you take a class that requires you to shoot hundreds of rounds in a weekend, this nifty little tool can really save your thumbs. Oh, and don’t worry — it also comes in plain old black, so you don’t have to feel too girly at the range if you don’t want to. I love the pink one because it’s easier to find in the bottom of my range bag, and because the guys who borrow it are less likely to walk away with it. 😉
Happy shooting!