The Cornered Cat
Help Build My Blogroll!

Who are your favorite bloggers and why?

(And yes, I mean it: I really do need help building the list of people and places to link. Feel free to promo your own site in the comments.)

6 Responses to Help Build My Blogroll!

  1. wkeller says:

    I will shamelessly offer my website for your consideration. I focus on new shooters and do my best to provide content that I believe will be of value to them. You can check it out at

    I like “A Girl and Her Gun” at She has a story that is familiar to way too many women but her response to it has been unique in many ways.

    I like TAM at Good, practical training info.

    I like The Baloon Goes Up at Again, great training info and reviews.

    There are others listed on my blog and I suspect you will have lots of input on this one!

    Enjoy the day!


  2. momwithagun says:

    I’ll also shamelessly offer my own web site, for consideration. I agree with most of the other recommendations, too, and consider it a blessing that there are so many talented folks sharing what they know.

  3. guffaw1952 says:
  4. DaddyBear says:

    You already have some great ideas here. Here are my suggestions:
    BRM –
    Blackfork –
    Carteach –
    Nancy R. –
    Rick –
    Massad Ayoob –

  5. Dana TheDixieFriedBride SQ says:

    You site, and your book have already been referenced on my blog once, and undoubtedly will be very often! So I submit my own blog for the review of your readers as well. 🙂

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