The Cornered Cat
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Kids and guns

…l some magic date on the calendar, and as if there were a stark, sharp line between childhood and adulthood. But none of these things are true. Babies are a wonderful way to start people! But people donā€™t stay babies. They become toddlers, preschoolers, primary and elementary schoolkids, and eventually young adults. At every step along this journey, they become more capable of handling responsibilityā€¦ if their parents take the time and make the… Continue reading

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Hardy Har Har

…sized firearm, and a little attention to safety. Hardly a big deal. Here is an example of the sort of ā€œfunnyā€ video I am talking about. (Edit: Iā€™m having trouble with the embed function. The link is Viewing that video of new shooters with viciously unfunny range friends may help us visualize what went wrong for the woman in this news story. ā€œCorredor-Rivera died of a single… Continue reading

What About Rape?

…nd herself and prevent the rape. Please read the A,O,J article for more discussion about the circumstances in which deadly force is, or is not, legally justified. Lethal force expert Massad Ayoob wrote an article about this for Backwoods Home Magazine some years back. The concepts are as fresh as they ever were, and you can find the article online at… Continue reading

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Wait for backup

…happy endings. Today, I read in the news about a man who came home from work and found his front door open. He armed himself and went inside to look for a bad guy. He found one, and now heā€™s dead. (Read the news here:,0,3679823.story.) I suppose some would say thatā€™s a case of ā€œdonā€™t bring a lead pipe to a gunfight,ā€ and… Continue reading

You’re wrong about stress

…renā€™t true at all. Just as the stress response helps our survival in extreme circumstances, it also helps us navigate the shoals of less outrageous danger and make human connections that see us through the tough times. Watch the TED Talk below with an open mind. Itā€™s a fascinating look at what we know about stress. Ā  Link to video (in case it does not load above):… Continue reading

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Tears and prayers — and a favor

….) And because I agree with Matt G when he writes: Every time someone clicks to go to these sites, then the vultures who linked to the stories, with Tweets and stories and teasers of his name and what he didā€“ they feel validated. The end justifies the means. Their job is to get people to come to their site. They did it. Good job! Ever think of the cost, though? It would be an unusual reader here who didnā€™t know the names of the… Continue reading

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A hero in Clackamas

There were many heroes this week in the Clackamas Mall. As Clackamas County Sheriff Craig Roberts wrote, there were many ā€œstories of genuine heroism that Iā€™ve heard: people helping complete strangers escape from the violence, employees stepping up to protect their customers, and most especially the courage of the medical professionals who put their own lives at risk in a desperate effort to save the victims of this tragedy.ā€… Continue reading

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Be a bad witness, or Curiosity killed the cat

…solve the problem? ā€œBe a good witnessā€ is lousy advice. We should instead be telling people to pay attention to whatā€™s around them as they leave the area and head for safety. We have to be okay, not knowing the end of the story. Sometimes, thatā€™s what it takes to stay safe and keep our loved ones safe. Ā  Link to Part 2:… Continue reading