The Cornered Cat
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…really is a great deal more support for our choices than there used to be. We can see how much social support there is for handguns by looking at a fascinating graphic put together by Jeff Dege, webmaster at Hereā€™s the graphic, which I can post here because Jeff released it under a Creative Commons license. Progress in right to carry, 1986 ā€“ 2017. Click on image to see progress animation. Cool, huh? Itā€™s not just… Continue reading

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Easy way to fill magazines

…e of year, a lot of us have fresh new magazines with super-stiff springs. If youā€™re having trouble filling your new magazine, try an Uplula loader. These things are like magic! Pink Uplula loader from This type of loader is very easy to use. You simply place it over the top of your magazine, with the front of the magazine facing toward you. Squeeze the loader and push it down firmly, so that it smooshes the follower… Continue reading

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Web walking

…t case, if it goes that far, and to provide monetary aid based on the merits of your case (not dependent on whether you get acquitted later, but on whether these use-of-force experts agree you were acting in good faith). The company has a deep warchest which is growing all the time, and they promise to provide legal grants based on the merits of your case up to a certain percentage of the warchest. Through the multiple dvds that come with… Continue reading

“No live ammo…”

…the area isnā€™t something we do instead of not putting our own hand in front of the muzzle when we press the trigger. Itā€™s something we do in addition to keeping our own body parts away from the muzzle. Nothing is 100% As long as people treat any single rule or safety protocol or gunhandling habit as if it is the only layer of protection they will ever need, they will do things such as: Pointing the gun at a normal interior wall with… Continue reading

All About Pepper Spray

…really isnā€™t a common denominator between these two cans, so which one would be more effective in use? To determine that, you can multiply the concentration (15% or .15) by the claimed SHU (1,000,000). This gives you a common denominator which allows you to directly compare any two sprays for which you have both numbers. Pepper spray is not the same thing as Mace. Or rather, it isnā€™t always. Mace is a brand name which originally… Continue reading

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The Case for Lasers

…s to suit smaller or larger hands than the average. Some models affect the shape of the firearm enough to require a specially-designed holster, but most do not. The pressure-activated Lasergrips are the most intuitive and fastest lasers to operate for most people. Why do I love lasers? Let me count the ways ā€¦ They are light-years faster in the dark than any other sighting system. People who say ā€œjust get night sightsā€ instead… Continue reading

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Taking a new shooter to the range

…ing competitor Julie Golob has a post up on her blog that talks about how to take a new shooter to the range. It includes a helpful list of DO and DONā€™T items that improve your safety and your ability to have fun with the newcomer. Although enthusiasm is important (vital, even!) when introducing a new person to the joys of shooting, itā€™s equally important to get them off to a good start. That requires a commitment to safety and a certain amount… Continue reading

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Dressing room

…atā€™s large enough, I set the holstered gun on the bench underneath the first item of spare clothing I can grab. Change pants and look in the stall mirror. If the pants make the first cut, itā€™s time for the second test: I put my belt on and slide my holster into place. Check the stall mirror. If it passes, then itā€™s out into the hallway, with gun still in place on my belt, for the distance check. Yes, this implies I get… Continue reading
