The Cornered Cat
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Lethal Force Aftermath

…ic chest-beating and emotional denial that takes place. A guyā€™s buddies are unlikely to ask him if heā€™s emotionally able to handle the taking of a human life, and if they do, the guy is expected to make some flip comment like, ā€œKill ā€™em all and let God sort ā€™em out!!ā€ And after a shooting, his buddies might expect him to feel happy and even proud of himself, his enemies probably expect him to feel smug and… Continue reading

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Weekend reading

…under of the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network, offers a thoughtful explanation for why you need an ā€œassault weaponā€ (and why you shouldnā€™t call it that). Lawdog rants, as only he can, that gun-free does not mean violence-free. Really, Lawdogā€™s writing is so thought-provoking and complete that thereā€™s nothing to add. But I am so wordy that I will say the obvious again: if you need a restraining order, you need a personal safety plan that… Continue reading

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Would *you* sign this petition?

…th the basic rights of others, and to be free to make their own decisions about their own lives. The only real reason people agree to submit themselves to a government is to protect these basic human rights. Thus, government comes out of the free, voluntary, and willing consent of ordinary people. The power of a government comes from the ordinary people who agree to be bound by its laws. Because thatā€™s where the governmentā€™s power comes from,… Continue reading

It’s Not About the Gun

…ut criminals and their victims, or about the legal limits of self-defense are really missing the boat. It would be like hiring a basketball coach who talked a lot about buying a basketball and taught her players how to throw free throws, but who never said a word about the rules of the game. A good basketball coach would help her players learn many skills they might need in order to play the game. Thereā€™s a lot more to playing basketball… Continue reading

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All Hallow’s Eve

…lloween was one of my favorite holidays. Our family tradition requires absolutely no store-bought, off-the-shelves costumes ā€” the outfits had to be handmade, using things we could find around the house or scrounge from free or near-free sources. Also, Iā€™m not a seamstress, and even if I had been, I wasnā€™t willing buy fabric for something that would last exactly one night. So coming up with costumes for all five kids always took… Continue reading

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The speed-up drill

…ecoil happens, keep the trigger fully pressed ā€” all the way to the rear ā€” until you have snapped the front sight back onto target. After the front sight is realigned, then (and only then!) you can let the trigger come forward to reset for the next shot. Your group should be one ragged hole at this speed and at this distance. String Two speeds you up a little. If you were driving the gun at 20 miles an hour in the first string, try… Continue reading

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8 Ways to Spot a Bad Self Defense Product

…w sacred cows and lets slip a few industry secrets. Want to know another secret? What sparked this article was the pile of brochures that have been arriving in my mailbox in preparation for SHOT Show. One of the new ā€˜latest and greatestā€™ offerings looks to me like a horrendously bad idea ā€” something that I could tell by a glance at the advertisement even without getting my hands on the product itself. Hereā€™s the clue on… Continue reading

Belts and Business

…is single layer 12oz hide. Nothing wrong with that, but dual layer cross grain laminated, preferably with a stiffener will make a longer lasting better gunbelt. This belt isnā€™t bad, it isnā€™t badly made with poor materials or workmanship. Itā€™s just not really well designed for carrying a firearm. Itā€™s a fine belt for holding up your pants and in a pinch will carry a firearm well at first and less well over time as the… Continue reading

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