The Cornered Cat
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The Embarrassing Questions Department

…y, remind yourself that you’re on the sunny side of the law and have nothing to fear. Don’t put off those vibes if you can help it. Basic tips: Never, ever, ever, ever take the stall next to a small child. Little kids are too likely to look under the stall and then comment (loudly) about what they see. Don’t hang the gun on a hook or set it on a TP rack. You’re too likely to walk off without it (and don’t say it… Continue reading

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What Has She Got in Her Pocketses?

…, right now? Can you recite the street address for your place of business, for your favorite coffee shop, for the grocery store where you always shop? Can you name the major cross streets to the park where you walk with your kids, or to your favorite restaurant? Get in the habit of noticing and remembering such things and you’ll be ahead of the safety game. Source: Wikipedia Cell phones have their downsides for the safety-minded, however. They… Continue reading

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Safe Space

…ing. But… In the midst of the flurry of group emails planning the event, one woman offered to bring Prosecco. Cue angst and a bit of anger from our blogger. She writes, “The meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. Day drinking while the kids are at school. I can’t go there. It’s not that I’m nervous I might relapse. I know I won’t. I just can’t go hang out at someone’s house where there is alcohol being consumed at that hour and I won’t be able to enjoy… Continue reading

Scary strangers, children, and boundary setting in the grocery store

…ly who is simply socially clueless, compared to who is actually a real threat to us or our children. I don’t think any of us wants to be the paranoid nutcase who threatens to shoot some nice old lady for looking at our kids funny. The way to avoid disproportionate responses and the way to sort the angels from the demons in this world, is to talk to people. Examples of how to do that? Sure! One mom suggests making good eye contact with the… Continue reading

Weekend reading

…“Can anyone think of a reason why this man [a convicted rapist] doesn’t want law-abiding citizens to have the ability to defend themselves with firearms?” Rory Miller confesses he was not a good father: “When my kids were little we would sometimes play a game I learned from my parents– Hide and Don’t Seek. I’d send them to hide and remind them to be extra still and extra quiet and that I would not only find them… Continue reading

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Buyer Beware

…wed how to “work” a real live house after explaining in great detail that YOU WILL IN ALL PROBABILITY LOSE and that it should only be attempted in the direst of circumstances, ie, you can’t find one of your kids. I mean, I can tell you all day that if you can’t find your kid you should still hole up and wait for the cops, but that’s not going to happen, is it? Here’s the e-mail: Dear Michael, Just caught the… Continue reading

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Superpower: Invisibility

…while I am standing there, right in front of her. Invisible. As a child, I would have understood being chosen last for the team. I wouldn’t have liked it, but I would have understood it. But … have you ever watched the other kids all pick teammates, stood there with everyone else waiting to be chosen, and then while you’re still standing there, they start to play the game, and nobody ever realized you wanted to play, too? Happened to me all the… Continue reading

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Would You Carry a Gun…

…d you carry a gun to _______?” they ask. The blank can be filled by any number of things. Would you carry a gun when you go camping? Would you carry to your mom’s house? to work? to church? to the movies? to your kids’ Little League games? The question, earnest as it is, always bemuses me somewhat. You see, I don’t usually carry a gun to anywhere in particular, but I do go places and do things. And I simply carry,… Continue reading

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