The Cornered Cat
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Why Pink?

…widespread and pernicious assumption that women who like firearms have to be masculine to be taken seriously. Nonsense, I said to myself. Thatā€™s not true. We can be as feminine as we want to be, as long as weā€™re competent and capable. People will take competence and visible capability seriously, whether itā€™s wrapped in a pink and frilly cover or not. That was my premise and I set out to prove it. So when I first designed… Continue reading

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Instructor Responsibility

…tudents. I celebrate those who believe and act otherwise! 2.) They work overtime to be sure what they teach is accurate and holds up. These instructors study different techniques and measure those techniques not just against common sense, but against actual performance. They study how crime happens and they study ways people effectively defend themselves from violence. They work to understand important ideas such as how human brains work, how… Continue reading

Revolver trigger finger

…oot and I was enjoying it ā€“ right up until I ran into unexpected trouble. Late in the afternoon on Day One of the class, I rolled the trigger halfway back, and then was shocked to suddenly discover that I literally could not complete the pull. My finger just froze! It was a very weird sensation. At first I thought something mechanical was wrong with the gun, so I called the instructor over to give it a try. The instructor dry fired a few times… Continue reading


…or you to reach and use the controls under the best of times. It may be especially tricky if you need to run the gun with just one hand, such as you might need to do when fighting for your life. Although you can become quite accurate with a gun that does not fit you well, you will never be able to shoot an oversized gun as fast and as well as you could shoot the same type of gun if it actually fit you. This is especially true if you need to… Continue reading

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Start smart

…er at great speed. This knowledge will only come at a slower speed and then will be built upon from that point.ā€ So letā€™s discuss what you can do, slowly, to improve your ability to shoot fast and accurately. Over the few weeks, I will be introducing a series of simple exercises you can do to improve your awareness of how youā€™re using the trigger and how well you can control its motion. To prepare for this series, I recommend reading (or… Continue reading

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Like a Glock, Only Smaller

…hat they allow us to carry in ways we otherwise couldnā€™t, and they allow us to keep a gun with us when we otherwise wouldnā€™t. So thereā€™s that. But between increased recoil and vestigial controls, theyā€™re also usually a bit uncomfortable to shoot. Not this puppy! There wasnā€™t any recoil to speak of and the controls were easy to use. Did I mention it was fun to shoot? It was also surprisingly accurate. At 10 yards, I shot a very tidy fist-sized… Continue reading

2013 Calendar

…th Dakota. Iā€™ll have those dates and locations up on the website within a week, so thatā€™s good. If youā€™re interested in bringing Cornered Cat to your area, please drop me an email. Iā€™m Also, Iā€™d like to hear your advice about something. Iā€™m looking at changing the name of my core class. Itā€™s been Cornered Cat: Concealed Carry for Women, which was good because it is intended for… Continue reading

Unintentional and unexpected discharges — ND, AD, and other

Right now, Iā€™m looking for people who have either experienced or personally witnessed an unexpected, accidental or negligent discharge who are willing to tell their stories anonymously. These would be used in an upcoming book project. If this describes you, please send your story ā€” with as many details as you clearly remember and are willing to share ā€” to pax AT cornered cat dot com. I will protect your privacy while using… Continue reading