The Cornered Cat
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Should I Carry in my Purse?

…as a good leather holster, plus the cost of a high-end leather purse. But listen to this: I found a Chinese knockoff of a concealed carry purse online awhile back! It cost all of $15. It looks good enough, but the internal structure is lousy and the zippers are rough. There’s no built in holster, just a floppy-bag compartment of rough cheap material which provides no real structure to protect the gun’s trigger from inadvertent… Continue reading

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Tears and prayers — and a favor

…not contribute to the sick cult of celebrity that drives copycats after events like this. Why not? Well, because this: (h/t to Tamara.) And because I agree with Matt G when he writes: Every time someone clicks to go to these sites, then the vultures who linked to the stories, with Tweets and stories and teasers of his name and what he did– they feel validated. The end justifies the means. Their job is to get people to come to their site…. Continue reading

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Concealed Carry Purses

…st, or didn’t mind habitually carrying your purse ugly side out and looking like a weirdo! So my advice to left-handers looking for a concealed carry purse is that you look very carefully at the actual designs. Do not trust advertising literature or website verbiage, which almost universally mislead the left-handed consumer. Instead, look at the photos and design sketches to visualize how you would use the product as a left hander. If you… Continue reading

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…mes. It does not protect the right of athletes to compete at the local club on the weekends or to enter the Olympics every four years. The 2nd Amendment protects the everyday right of ordinary people to own weapons—arms, instruments of war, instruments or devices used in offense or defense against other living beings. It does not protect your right to own tools or toys. It expressly protects your right to own weapons. When we step away from… Continue reading

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Help Build My Blogroll!

Who are your favorite bloggers and why? (And yes, I mean it: I really do need help building the list of people and places to link. Feel free to promo your own site in the comments.) Notes: Obviously, this varies according to time of year, the age of the women, and the region of the country. During a summertime visit to California’s central valley, I observed that the proportion of women who could be carrying underneath what they were… Continue reading

Training Rant

…ut of the clear blue sky, like “She’s just really talented.” Oh, no! For every skill I have learned, for every class I took, I sweated hours in the hot sun or shivered in the freezing rain on a weekend construction site. Or I humiliated myself grabbing other people’s garbage to recycle. Or I left my children with someone else’s mom so I could work a mind-numbing, boring seasonal job tagging Christmas trees. Learning… Continue reading

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Awesome women

…men’s Shooting League want everyone to know that they have a super-fun weekend planned for the AG&AG conference in March. (Yes, telling you about that is totally self-serving on my part, since I’m one of the featured instructors and am going to have an awesome time teaching some of the segments. But it seems unfair not to share it with you, since we’ll have even more fun if you can make it down to Texas for the party!) AG&AG has spread… Continue reading

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Lessons from the headlines #5

…m. When the intruder entered the hallway where the resident was standing, the resident told the intruder to stop. Instead of stopping, the intruder charged him. The sheriff’s office says the resident fired one shot as the intruder rushed him, but then the intruder tackled him. The resident broke free and was able to hold the intruder at gunpoint for approximately fifteen minutes until deputies arrived. Lessons from this story? Oh, yes…. Continue reading

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