The Cornered Cat
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Online “training” class

…range, in person, under the watchful eye of a qualified other. You can no more learn how to defend yourself with a gun from a website than you can learn how to waterski or play baseball that way. At best, on a well-designed site, you can learn the rules of the game and perhaps pick up a few tips to help you refine skills you’ve already learned in real life. (To be clear, let me repeat myself: those are all good things! That’s why I… Continue reading

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Tech blegs

…nother instructor, or want to share a technique you learned at their school, you always name them. But if you don’t agree with their technique, you never name them. It’s much classier to just say, “Some instructors teach blah blah blah, but I disagree with that because …” This rule has stood me well over the years on the range, so I want to be sure that what’s polite among trainers isn’t downright rude… Continue reading

When blog posts get out of hand…

…Facebook works best with one or two short sentences, but I was often writing two paragraphs. I thought, Well, that’s blog length, so perfect! I’ll start a blog. Not so fast. Moving over into the blog meant I had a little room to spread out, and I did. Most of my blog posts have turned into half-articles, rather than the two-paragraph shorties I’d expected. Go figure. In other news, there’s a new article on the siteContinue reading

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The Most Dangerous Place in the World

…hreatening to maul people. She’s cuddly, she’s cozy, she likes to curl up next to a crackling fire on a cold winter’s day. She’s great company. But don’t try to trap her in a bad situation. This site is about women and guns, not about cats. But in a way, it’s about the cornered cat in all of us. It’s about the determination to get away from an attacker if you need to. It’s about making the decision… Continue reading

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“Reasonable” Restrictions

…mation you might seek out would be how concealed-carry laws have changed over the past two or three decades. There’s a wonderful visual about that at, where a little poking around the site will reveal the creator’s data sources so you can judge their quality for yourself. Of course you can find the dry numbers from other places as well, including government sources. You might also look for… Continue reading

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Happy First Blog Post To Me …!

…ut.) More interaction with people. Translating the website to WordPress makes it possible for me to get immediate feedback on sections of articles as I’m thinking through ways to present the concepts to people. So that’s the rundown. My intention is to use this blog as a way to refine my thoughts for the “real” articles I’m writing for various publications and for the Cornered Cat site proper. I hope it helps me connect with more people, more… Continue reading

Web walking

…y special way: she’s sponsoring a giveaway. Not just any giveaway, either. Prizes include money toward training, a Cornered Cat training class, gift certificates from Gun Goddess and Midway, a custom holster from The Holster Site, and all sorts of other goodies. Obviously I believe in this effort, because I threw something onto the prize table. You can find the rules here and an easy entry form here. *** Newbie Shooter explains how to talk to… Continue reading

Why Not Take a Class?

…erson who wants to be sure you are able to do the right thing under stress. How well the legal questions are addressed depends upon the type of class you take and how prepared your instructor is to deal with such questions. Truly competent instructors take the legal side of things very seriously indeed. Any trainer who has been in business very long will have had some experience with the legal system, and will either be able to answer the legal… Continue reading

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