The Cornered Cat
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…don’t like to be treated like a minor child. So I waive immunity and claim my right — I go armed. — “Longcourt Phyllis” in Beyond This Horizon by Robert Heinlein A gun isn’t supposed to be comfortable; it’s supposed to be comforting. — Clint Smith Well, it’s true. I am fast. But I also can’t hit shit, especially when I’m shooting against real people. So I need all the bullets I… Continue reading

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Legal Resources

…such a book can be a handy addition to the library if you’re fortunate enough to live in one of the covered states. In the Gravest Extreme, a book written by Massad Ayoob, provides a solid foundation for understanding common laws governing the use of firearms in self-defense in the United States. While it does not provide information about specific state laws, it does an excellent job giving the reader a solid understanding and overview… Continue reading

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Taking a new shooter to the range

…ing competitor Julie Golob has a post up on her blog that talks about how to take a new shooter to the range. It includes a helpful list of DO and DON’T items that improve your safety and your ability to have fun with the newcomer. Although enthusiasm is important (vital, even!) when introducing a new person to the joys of shooting, it’s equally important to get them off to a good start. That requires a commitment to safety and a certain amount… Continue reading

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2013 Calendar

…th Dakota. I’ll have those dates and locations up on the website within a week, so that’s good. If you’re interested in bringing Cornered Cat to your area, please drop me an email. I’m Also, I’d like to hear your advice about something. I’m looking at changing the name of my core class. It’s been Cornered Cat: Concealed Carry for Women, which was good because it is intended for… Continue reading

Building Good Habits

…relation to Rule Three. Rule Four Rule Four is all about the target—being sure it’s a valid target, being sure there’s nothing behind the target that you’re not willing to shoot, being sure that no one can come between you and your intended target. The person who committed this negligent discharge and put up that web site violated this rule along with the all the others, because as he noted, “there really WAS no… Continue reading

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8 Ways to Spot a Bad Self-Defense Product Before It Kills You

Those outside the firearms community often don’t realize that our industry isn’t a home for big businesses. Even the largest, most well-known companies in the gun world are, at best, medium-small when compared with big companies in other industries. In absolute terms, there aren’t many gun-related companies that grow even to that point. For the most part, firearms and their accessories are created, manufactured, and sold by family-owned… Continue reading

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Unintentional and unexpected discharges — ND, AD, and other

Right now, I’m looking for people who have either experienced or personally witnessed an unexpected, accidental or negligent discharge who are willing to tell their stories anonymously. These would be used in an upcoming book project. If this describes you, please send your story — with as many details as you clearly remember and are willing to share — to pax AT cornered cat dot com. I will protect your privacy while using… Continue reading

Weight loss motivator

…d with increased cortisol reactivity and impaired cognitive resilience in response to acute emotional stress.” The study authors are Mujica-Parodi LR, Renelique R, Taylor MK., and you can read the abstract here: Here’s part of that paper’s summary statement: In response to the skydive, individuals with greater body fat percentages showed significantly increased reactivity for both cortisol (on… Continue reading

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