The Cornered Cat
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Penny Wise and Pound Foolish

…le and difficult to conceal. And every firearm seems too heavy or too bulky. When they have trouble concealing even a tiny gun, they blame their height, their weight, their sex, and their lifestyle. But mostly they blame the latest holster purchase (understandable if the latest holster purchase happens to be a cheap monstrosity as mentioned above). But all along, they continue using the same flimsy, floppy, flexibleā€”but fashionable!ā€”belt, never… Continue reading

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Mentoring Newbies 101

…s to download a copy of Marty Hayesā€™ excellent booklet What Every Gun Owner Needs to Know About Self-Defense Law. Itā€™s available free from the Armed Citizensā€™ Legal Defense Network as their outreach to the defensive firearms community. You can also order the same material as a (free) physical booklet from the same source. This little booklet provides a lot of very good information in a quick, easy-to-read format. Thereā€™s just enough there to get… Continue reading

Sight Alignment

Marty Hayes, owner of the Firearms Academy of Seattle, is fond of telling new students the one and only real secret of accurate marksmanship. Are you ready? Here it is, the secret of accurate shooting: ~ THE Secret of Accurate Shooting ~ Ā  ā€œYour sights must aligned with the target at the moment the hammer falls.ā€ Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s the entire secret of accurate shooting. Everything else ā€” grip, stance, smooth… Continue reading

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Sweet Potatoes

…rough unfriendly territory. All of those can be good things, or bad things, or just things that are ā€” but none of them are my things. And hereā€™s what I am: I am an ordinary, middle-aged woman who has successfully completed hundreds of hours of professional-level handgun training. I have a large handful of advanced training certificates, including several that say Iā€™m an instructor. I have over a decade of industry experience, a… Continue reading

Willing and Able

…lore them for yourself. Find the ones youā€™re confident with, and make sure your confidence is not misplaced. These are tough questions. Sometimes when people discuss questions like this, they will tell you there are no right answers and no wrong ones. Thatā€™s not quite true. The right answer is one you can come to peace with, that will enable you to act with decisive speed in the moment. The wrong answer is the one you cannot come to peace with,… Continue reading

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Concealed Carry Purses

…These days, whether your style is classic or modern, sporty or flirtatious, trendy or more staid, you should be able to find a concealed carry purse that suits your fashion sense and your lifestyle. Notes: In some cases, the company sent me one freebie to keep for myself, along with several other products to review and send back. In others, the company sent several samples to keep, with the understanding that I would also be using them to… Continue reading

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Power and Consequences

…world comes from making their own choices. None of us will ever be free of the consequences of our own choices. Freedom does not, therefore, come from lack of consequences for the choices we make. Thatā€™s a pipe dream. Freedom comes from being able to predict the consequences and corollaries of our choices. It comes from the decision to accept the cost of the choice we want to make, or to reject that cost and make a different choice. In a… Continue reading

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The First Trip to the Range

…difficult to explain. Because they are so basic and so fundamental, once your child knows these rules it will become very much easier to explain any other range-specific rules you might encounter with her along the way. For example, one common range rule requires shooters to stay behind a painted line and not touch anything on the shooting bench while others are downrange. Such a rule might sound silly to a child, at least until her mom… Continue reading

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