The Cornered Cat
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Three quotes and a story

…d to prevent such a thing from ever happening in America. Later that summer, when I had returned home I went to the president of the West Texas Sportsman’s Club in Abilene and told him I wanted to be on the legislative committee. He replied that we didn’t have a legislative committee, but that I was now the chairman. I, who had never given a thought to gun laws, have been eyeball deep in the “gun control” fight ever… Continue reading

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A Woman’s Right to Choose

…f men. Being only 4?11?, I am well aware that I would be an easy target. A firearm gives me a chance to defend myself. The risk I am at due to my size used to be a major concern to me, before I met Chris, the man who would become my husband. When I met him I knew a little about guns, and I thought they were a good thing; but I never really thought that I would be able to shoot one, let alone be able to carry one around with me. Like I said… Continue reading

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“But did you die?”

…are.   Childhood deaths in motor vehicle collisions by age, 1975 – 2014. In 1974, approximately 16 percent of American infants rode in car seats. By 2014, that number had risen to over 98 percent. (Source:   The change in parenting practice from not using car seats at all to keeping children in very well-designed modern car seats has saved a lot of… Continue reading

Ability, Opportunity, Jeopardy

…that element to be there? What important information did the news account leave out and how could that information alter the victim’s legal situation? Get in the habit of asking yourself these questions, so that you become easily comfortable with applying the elements of A,O,J to situations which may allow the legal use of deadly force. The Basic Standard You may legally use deadly force only when there is an immediate and otherwise… Continue reading

How to write a letter

…ctic. ↩ It is particularly important that women understand this point as it relates to sexual assault. An unarmed adult male can kill or seriously injure an adult female using only his bare hands (ability); in order to complete the rape, he must be close enough to kill or cripple you (opportunity); and even if the rapist never says a word to you, the threat of death or grave injury if you do not comply with his disgusting scheme is part of… Continue reading