The Cornered Cat
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Christianity and Pacifism

…re are a lot of them and if you are willing to do some digging through the dross, you may find a gem that helps you come to grips with your own thinking in this area. You can find these articles at the following link: Another excellent research tool for those who are interested in exploring this issue further is Charl Van Wyk’s book, Shooting Back: the right and duty of self-defense, published in 2001 by… Continue reading

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Check it out

…t a few inches above this soft surface and with the muzzle angled away from you, tip the holster upside down. Give it a gentle shake. Does the gun fall out? If so, either adjust the tension screw or return the holster to the company. A holster that lets a gun fall out during the tip test is not secure enough to bet your life on. Yup, I’m serious. You don’t want to carry your loaded firearm in a dangerous, loose-fitting gun-bucket instead of a… Continue reading

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__to a Friend’s House?

…y, I don’t often discuss my carry status unless someone has a specific need to know. It’s kind of like talking about my underwear: I do wear them everywhere, but there’s no need to talk about them in polite company. Ethical Meets Practical If you are not ethically or emotionally comfortable carrying in a friend’s home, it’s a bad idea to do it anyway. Your own nervousness, shown in your body language, will very… Continue reading

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“Reasonable” Restrictions

…t be mistaken or untruthfully biased). The first type of information you might seek out would be how concealed-carry laws have changed over the past two or three decades. There’s a wonderful visual about that at, where a little poking around the site will reveal the creator’s data sources so you can judge their quality for yourself. Of course you can find the dry numbers from other places as well,… Continue reading

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Are You Paranoid?

…on to purchase a gun or to carry it might take months or even years to make; you might struggle with it, agonize over it, obsess about it. But once the decision has been made, it becomes part of your routine, and your mind becomes free to think about other things. When I pull on my seat belt as I climb into the car, I don’t waste even a moment thinking about highway fatality statistics, the gruesome accident I heard about on the news last… Continue reading

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SHOT Show Day One

…n’t care. I think people who handle guns all the time should be more cautious and more careful than the average. But by and large, they are not. Bad gun handling habits are pernicious and contagious. I HATE watching people become so complacent with these gun-shaped objects, so cluelessly unaware of what they’re doing and so casual about how they’re doing it. People have this idea that people who handle guns for a living must be especially safe… Continue reading

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Weight loss motivator

…nder baseline conditions. … Our results indicate that, under real-world stress, increased body fat may be associated with endocrine stress vulnerability, with consequences for deleterious cognitive performance. Got that? The latest research indicates that losing weight might help you make faster, better, and more accurate survival choices when your life is in danger. Now there’s a motivator for you. Notes: Look at the imprecatory Psalms for an… Continue reading

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Chambered or Not?

…three vital things for your firearm. That is, it Safely secures the gun; Keeps the gun comfortably concealed; and Holds the gun in a way that is easily accessible. You can find out more about all three of these points in the latest article on Cornered Cat, How to Choose a Safe Holster. For right now, though, let’s focus on that first point, because that’s where the hang up usually is when it comes to carrying with a round in the chamber. Not… Continue reading

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