The Cornered Cat
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Why a Mom Should Take Her Kids Shooting

…your target.’ At the range, I asked the boys to point out which directions were safe to point a gun, and which ones were not safe. They discussed this together for a minute, then the oldest said, ‘Well, the range rules say we can only point that direction’ (the back of the berm), ‘but it’s probably safe to fire at the side berms, too.’ ‘Where isn’t it safe to point?’ ‘Um, at the… Continue reading

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Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground Laws

…s to be accepted as true without specific evidence of that fact if the party with the burden of proof shows that certain other facts are true. So the party might be entitled under a rule of law to have fact A presumed to be true if facts B, C, and D are shown to be true, even if the party produces no direct evidence that fact A is true. So you can establish that your use of lethal force was justified, thus satisfying 776.012, if — You can show… Continue reading

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“Women Should Always Use Revolvers”

…ns all by itself, shoots accurately without a skilled hand behind it, or cleans itself. That’s the bad news. The good news is, all of these skills are learnable skills. They aren’t black magic and they aren’t inaccessible to half the human race! Notes: Please note the word “healthy.” People dealing with long-term hand or arm injuries, or with arthritis and other related connective tissue disorders, often have an uphill struggle to find a gun… Continue reading

Penny Wise and Pound Foolish

…tune to be well-armed and well-prepared to defend yourself. Smart shopping, which includes doing your homework and planning specific expenditures, can help reduce your costs in the long run. And that’s the kind of foresight Grandma would praise. Notes: Please note the word “healthy.” People dealing with long-term hand or arm injuries, or with arthritis and other related connective tissue disorders, often have an uphill struggle to find a gun… Continue reading

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Hard Work

…urselves is worth it. Being able to protect the people we love? Worth it! Having the confidence that makes would-be Trouble take one look at you and head the other direction – totally worth it. Life is precious, and your life is worth defending. Notes: Please note the word “healthy.” People dealing with long-term hand or arm injuries, or with arthritis and other related connective tissue disorders, often have an uphill struggle to find a gun… Continue reading

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Chambered or not?

…e Bottom Line So here’s the bottom line: you really should carry with a round in the chamber. If you’re not willing to do that right now, think about improving either your gun handling habits or your carry gear – or both. You’ll be glad you did! Notes: Please note the word “healthy.” People dealing with long-term hand or arm injuries, or with arthritis and other related connective tissue disorders, often have an uphill struggle to find a gun… Continue reading

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Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

…ch level. A beginner can load the gun and hit the target … so let’s make a list! What’s a beginning level of skill?” The others looked at her and at each other, and … well. Here’s where we run immediately into Dunning Kruger [pdf]. Because did you ever play the game, in school or maybe in some touchy feelgood teambuilding seminar, where one person is given a complex picture to look at, and then must use words… Continue reading

Sweet Potatoes

…ng yourself crazy — I’m your gal. Notes: Please note the word “healthy.” People dealing with long-term hand or arm injuries, or with arthritis and other related connective tissue disorders, often have an uphill struggle to find a gun they can trust and use well. Sometimes this includes having limitations so severe that they can find no reliable technique for operating a slide. ↩ On the flipside, sometimes putting people in new… Continue reading