The Cornered Cat
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Chambered or not?

…three vital things for your firearm. That is, it Safely secures the gun; Keeps the gun comfortably concealed; and Holds the gun in a way that is easily accessible. You can find out more about all three of these points in the latest article on Cornered Cat, How to Choose a Safe Holster. For right now, though, letā€™s focus on that first point, because thatā€™s where the hang up usually is when it comes to carrying with a round in the chamber. Not… Continue reading

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…kely to cause death, such as a gun, regardless of the userā€™s intent.ā€ To the best of my knowledge, most or all state laws define a firearmā€”any type of firearmā€”as a deadly weapon per se. By these definitions, itā€™s quite accurate to call a firearm a weapon. But should we? I think so. In fact, I think itā€™s dangerous not to. When we tip-toe around this perfectly accurate word, we reinforce the awful idea that there is something wrong with… Continue reading

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Legal Resources

…es ā€” This page provides links to the State Constitution, RCWs (laws) and WACs (regulations), as well as information about current and pending legislation. Search RCWs and other laws ā€” this link goes to a flexible search engine which searches all current and pending legislation, administrative codes, and laws in Washington state. RCW Washington ā€” this is a table of contents for the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), which is the… Continue reading

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Buying a Gun

…e same state. There are many federal, state, and local regulations which apply to private party sales. Whether you are the buyer or the seller, it will be your responsibility to find out which laws apply to your sale, and to comply with those laws. Because firearms laws are complicated and punishments for breaking them are very severe, I really recommend that your very first firearm purchase should be made through an FFL. This is especially true… Continue reading

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The perfect is the enemy of the good

…in the meantime, the gun goes unpurchased and our great plan to learn how to protect ourselves ā€¦ just drifts away. **** Looking for a decent, functional gun to learn to shoot with? My recommendations: Glock 19 M&P Compact 9mm Sig P320 Compact 9mm If you need to learn to shoot, any one of the above guns will be a good and reliable choice. Which one should you get? Whichever one floats your boat. Or whichever the sales guy offers you a… Continue reading

Keep the Muzzle Below the Berm

…ould never come up? Are we thinking that ā€œsomewhere over the bermā€ is as safe a direction as ā€œpointed directly at the bermā€? Or ā€¦ what? Lots of lively discussion followed this question. Well over 100 comments followed in the subthreads below the post, most of it thoughtful commentary. You should probably go read what everyone said about this subject, especially if you are ever responsible for the safety of others on… Continue reading

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Myths About Self-Defense

…table firearms instructor. This gives you a paper trail to show that you took the responsibility of being an armed citizen very seriously. If you document the training by taking notes during the class and keeping any written materials you are given, this paperwork may become admissible evidence, which will incidentally allow you to educate the jury about use-of-force issues (and an educated jury can save your hide). A good class also gives you… Continue reading

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Should I Carry in my Purse?

…nd for as little as $20, but these are not recommended for serious every day use. Firearm Selection When carrying on-body, youā€™ll want to select a handgun with the smallest overall dimensions that you are able to shoot comfortably and accurately. Size is the limiting factor. When carrying in a purse, the most important issue becomes the gunā€™s weight, rather than its size. If you decide to go with purse carry, gun weight will very… Continue reading

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