The Cornered Cat
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Gotta fly

…This goes doubly or even triply for the lockbox that actually holds the gun, since federal law does require that “only the individual checking the baggage retains the key or combination.” Airlines have different rules about ammunition. In general, you can fly with enough ammo to fill a magazine or two. Ammo needs to remain in its original packaging, and the original packaging should hold the rounds separately so they don’t jostle… Continue reading

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8 Ways to Spot a Bad Self-Defense Product Before It Kills You

…ry this one: Julianna Crowder, founder of the fabulous A Girl and A Gun Women’s Shooting League. Julianna and her husband, John, have poured a lot of their time, energy, and income into making AGAG clubs a success. She has struggled with finding good volunteers, has worked hard to run a national organization on a shoestring, and has dealt with ongoing criticism for holding AGAG facilitators to high standards of know-how and safety at a time when… Continue reading

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All About Pepper Spray

…lant who is coming toward you, you should immediately jump or dodge to the side, getting outside your attacker’s “lunge zone” as quickly as humanly possible. Then keep going. If possible, don’t simply run from danger, but run toward safety, fleeing with a goal in mind. Be aware that the spray may not prevent the attacker from physically grabbing onto you if you do not step off his line of attack. He may simply lunge… Continue reading

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Dealing with social bullies

…reatens you – either individually or collectively – it’s entirely right to speak up and say, “That’s wrong.” It’s up to you whether to simply delete those comments without reply, or whether to confront the person about their rudeness, but you should never let someone else’s rudeness shame you into silence. Again: this is bullying, pure and simple. If you stand up for your right to be treated with kindness and respect, bullies tend to back… Continue reading

Mom Voice

…intent and confusing your audience. You must begin with absolute decisiveness and snap out the words as if you really mean them. You must know what you will say before you ever open your mouth. To make that happen, as an instructor, you should have a set list of commands you use every time you run a range. It does not matter (too much) what the specific commands are – as long as you use the same ones every time, and as long as your students know… Continue reading

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Chambered or Not?

…ve developed the bad habit of treating your gun less respectfully because it’s “not loaded,” that’s something you need to change in your thinking, and also in how you handle the gun. Go refresh your understanding of the four rules, and learn more about holster safety and the four rules. Then practice handling the gun properly every time you touch it, no matter what. Never give yourself an excuse: “it’s not loaded,” or “the safety is on,” or “I’m… Continue reading

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The Life-Affirming Lessons of Self Defense

…ee also that same amazing look on the face of an experienced shooter? It’s a fact! In my classes, experienced shooters get that same grin all over again as their skills develop and they grow in confidence. Watching someone struggle to learn something new, and then nail it and react to the rush when they do – there’s just nothing like it. It’s even more cool when my advanced students use skills they’ve learned from me to turn around and work with… Continue reading

Online “training” class

…the watchful eye of a qualified other. You can no more learn how to defend yourself with a gun from a website than you can learn how to waterski or play baseball that way. At best, on a well-designed site, you can learn the rules of the game and perhaps pick up a few tips to help you refine skills you’ve already learned in real life. (To be clear, let me repeat myself: those are all good things! That’s why I have spent so much time… Continue reading

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