The Cornered Cat
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…donā€™t like to be treated like a minor child. So I waive immunity and claim my right ā€” I go armed. ā€” ā€œLongcourt Phyllisā€ in Beyond This Horizon by Robert Heinlein A gun isnā€™t supposed to be comfortable; itā€™s supposed to be comforting. ā€” Clint Smith Well, itā€™s true. I am fast. But I also canā€™t hit shit, especially when Iā€™m shooting against real people. So I need all the bullets I… Continue reading

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Target’s last stand

…ng the difficult Handgun Master test from the Firearms Academy of Seattle. This test requires the shooter to perform several necessary self-defense skills ā€“ shooting in low light, reloading, shooting moving targets, shooting accurately at distance, etc ā€“ all under time stress and all without missing a single shot. Because I wanted to pass the test before the year was out, I signed up for a late-fall class that covered those skills and several… Continue reading

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Potty Training

…n claimed by a student who has a license to carry a handgun, according to UT police. Meanwhile, the police said Wednesday that they received another report of a pistol found unattended in a womenā€™s bathroom, this time at the Commons Learning Center on UTā€™s Pickle Research Campus, about 9 miles north of the main campus. This type of news report isnā€™t anything new, although it is a surprisingly rare event given the number of people with… Continue reading

What does training cost?

…n Farnam) Defensive Handgun ā€“ 2 days, 16 hrs, $675 ($337/day) MAG40 (Massad Ayoob) ā€“ 4 day, 40 hrs, $800 ($200/day) Firearms Academy of Seattle Defensive Handgun ā€“ 2 day, 18 hrs, $385 ($192/day) Rangemaster Combative Pistol ā€“ 2 days, 16 hrs, $425 ($212/day) Handgun Combatives (Dave Spaulding) ā€“ 2 day, 16 hrs, $400 ($200/day) FPF Training (John Murphy) ā€“ CC:Foundation, 1 day, 10 hrs, $175 ($175/day) TDI Ohio… Continue reading

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Looking Around

…ecause it helps us stay safe in the here-and-now. Immediately. Today. Right now and every time weā€™re at the range practicing with our firearms as part of our normal, everyday lives. Because you know what? Ranges are NOT 100% crime-free. There are no utterly safe places in this world. None. This includes wherever you shoot. Bad things can happen there just as they can happen anywhere else. On the lower end of the scale, valuables get… Continue reading

It’s about love

…hould be asking. We should ask it with compassion and concern. And we should keep asking it until we get a positive answer. Because itā€™s not about our gun rights. Itā€™s about love. Notes: Nope, we did not cancel the class. We stepped into the classroom and did use-of-cover and moving-while-shooting footwork with empty hands until the wind died down. Adapt and overcome! ā†© Do I need to point out that there are reasonably safe ways to do a tip… Continue reading

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How did this happen?

…rimarily on the needs of concealed carry people. My goal for the next few years is to travel a lot and enjoy myself while teaching people how to protect themselves using firearms. Notes: Nope, we did not cancel the class. We stepped into the classroom and did use-of-cover and moving-while-shooting footwork with empty hands until the wind died down. Adapt and overcome! ā†© Do I need to point out that there are reasonably safe ways to do a tip… Continue reading

Making the Decision

…of the lawyerā€™s time going over the lethal-force laws where you live. The better your understanding of the laws, the more free you will be to act in a moment of crisis. When you know what the law is, your mind will be free to consider tactics instead of freezing on the legal question. You should be able to simply do what needs to be done. When you think you have a basic academic understanding of your local laws, get in the habit of… Continue reading

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