The Cornered Cat
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How to Become a Firearms Instructor

…s fast, it’s relatively inexpensive, and it lets a new instructor get to work right away. It’s also very concrete: one day you are not an instructor, and the next day you are. It provides a very accessible way to get new instructors up and running within a short period of time. When another instructor or organization provides the material you’ll be teaching, it also provides a good framework for passing your existing skills along to others…. Continue reading


…d this kitty cat have if we called the tail a leg? A: Four. Calling the tail a leg does not make it a leg. What does this have to do with Cornered Cat’s usual subjects, you ask? Simple — I keep running across instructors and would-be instructors who think calling a classroom wall a “safe direction” will actually make it a safe direction. “ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.” — NRA training… Continue reading

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