The Cornered Cat
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A love-filled rant

…ELSE TO DO SOMETHING! YOU need to do something! I donā€™t care if you take my courses or some of my colleaguesā€™ courses; just get educated in modern trauma management at the basic level. There is even a nation-wide FREE course coming up at the end of March you could take. There will literally be free classes all across the US that you can sign up for. Hereā€™s a link to the class from Lone Star Medics thatā€™s coming up in just… Continue reading

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…r me. I wouldnā€™t want to be associated with any company that pictures dangerous behavior in their ads. But thereā€™s something else I wanted to say about this. Two things, really. First, Iā€™m a capitalist and a believer in both free speech and a free market. When marketing offends or simply fails to reach its intended audience, the audience should simply walk away. And for the most part, we do. I donā€™t have a problem with this at all. Itā€™s the way… Continue reading

For Instructors – a wake up call

…g snooty, difficult to work with, arrogant, or a combination of all three. In every case, my answer was the same: Iā€™m not responsible for what other people do on ranges they control, but in my classes, I am responsible, 100%, for what happens on my range and to my students. Thatā€™s not an easy line to hold, but the alternative is to ā€œletā€ things like this happen on our watch. Iā€™m willing to bet that at least a one or… Continue reading

Learning from the headlines … or dancing in the blood?

…o everything that happens around them, and they learn from it all. I have often heard survivors say something like, ā€œWell, if anyone can learn anything from what I went through, that would make everything worthwhile.ā€ Itā€™s a valid thought and a noble one. But not all survivors feel the same way. Itā€™s equally common for them to think, ā€œEven if a million people heard about this, that would not erase the pain that my family and I have been through…. Continue reading

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Gear check!

…a holster wears out or breaks after a reasonable amount of daily use, thatā€™s not a fault in the product. Itā€™s just the way things go. Unless the holster wears out much faster than one would expect given its core materials, or breaks prematurely because of a design flaw, the fact that something can wear out is no reason to recommend against its use when new. But. Pay attention hereā€¦ Itā€™s important to regularly check your… Continue reading

Carry Permits

…selves should definitely seek out additional training over and above that required by state law. Once I Have My Permit, Where Can I Carry? Your state law will spell that out very exactly. If you must take a class in order to obtain a permit, the class will probably cover this in some detail. Typically, within the state you will be allowed to carry everywhere except places specifically prohibited by law. Commonly prohibited places include many… Continue reading

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Context matters

…wait for the boss to arrive on scene with the rifle). Citizen resources: may or may not be able to dial 911, and 911 operator may or may not understand urgency to get help immediately on its way; typically, handgun (often a compact or sub-compact) is carried in a concealment holster, and except in the home, no other weapons are immediately available; typically, citizen has either no reload available or just a single reload, and no body armor at… Continue reading

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Context Matters

…wait for the boss to arrive on scene with the rifle). Citizen resources: may or may not be able to dial 911, and 911 operator may or may not understand urgency to get help immediately on its way; typically, handgun (often a compact or sub-compact) is carried in a concealment holster, and except in the home, no other weapons are immediately available; typically, citizen has either no reload available or just a single reload, and no body armor at… Continue reading

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