The Cornered Cat
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Stored Ammunition — Dangerous?

Every so often, someone asks me about the dangers of storing ammunition in the home. Here’s the best resource I know on that subject. It’ll take around 30 minutes to watch, and it’s worth watching all of it.

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Beauty is everywhere

One thing I’ve loved about my life the past few years: I’ve had the tremendous blessing of seeing so much of America. And just like the song says, America really is beautiful.

A few weeks ago, on a very early flight out of Portland, Oregon, I was treated to a spectacular fast-forward sunrise over Mt. Hood, with the deep valley of the Columbia River shining in the foreground. In the distance, I could see the sharp glacier fields of Mt. Bachelor and the beautiful rolling forests all along the Cascade Range. Lovely!

Some time before that, I found myself in the desert Southwest while the wildflowers were in bloom. Purple, blue, yellow, and red flowers lined the roadways, and the bare bones of the earth stuck up in the distance. At sunset, the rocks along the spectacular cliffs and canyons seemed almost to glow with their own inner light. Amazing.

Walking barefoot though the white, pure sand of a barrier island in the coastal Southeast last fall, I watched a funny little ghost crab scurry away from me to hide under a piece of grey driftwood. Stopped and stood still for a moment, and out he came — waving his claws at me to say, “Don’t you try to grab me!” The sky was blue and creamy-white, puffy clouds drifted lazily overhead on this surprisingly hot afternoon. What a beautiful day and what a beautiful place to be.

In the heart of the urban East a few months ago, I walked through Arlington National Cemetery in silence and respect for the honored dead. It’s a beautiful place, with rolling hills of neatly-mown grass and mournful headstones lined up in thoughtful rows. Elegantly oversized trees provide deep shady spots to sit and reflect. The monuments at the cemetery and elsewhere are built of white or grey marble, and they show the mark of long decades of hard work and dedication from those who keep them in good repair. At the Tomb of the Unknowns, I watched the Old Guards’ attention to every detail and the beautiful ceremony they make of honoring the sacrifice paid by brave young men who never made it home.

Walking through a city on the East Coast, I looked up at massive skyscrapers and marveled. Did you ever think about all the hard work that goes into making just one of those things? The hours someone spent bent over a drafting board, sketching out ideas, the hours of working out the math of time and materials and structural strength, the human labor of digging the foundations and laying the girders in place. And we take all that for granted, but it’s beautiful… and so is the scenery that it builds.

In the upper Midwest, I flew over miles and miles of lakes. Big lakes, little lakes, tiny lakes, giant lakes that hold 21% of the world’s fresh water. Beautiful!

In Sioux Falls, I walked past the busy downtown area and out to the well-manicured city park where I could look at the waterfall that gives the town its name. Here, the bedrock of the continent shakes off its covers and peers out at us — solid, yellow-gold-brown rock that alternately flows underground and then juts in sharp edges all along the course of the Big Sioux River. The falls were gorgeous. But you know what I found most spectacular? There’s a conduit, a pipe, running across the water a few hundred feet below the falls. It makes a kind of bridge that touches down on both sides of the river, and at each end there’s a sign telling people to stay off the conduit. No giant ugly cage around each end, just … a sign. Telling people to stay off. And there’s no graffiti on that conduit, nor any other indication that people ignore that sign. How wonderful to live in a place where the people are so civilized.

Every area I’ve traveled has its own type of beauty: barren desert with the whistling wind and the lonesome buzzard circling overhead. Northern rainforest, drizzling wet with slickery mosses clinging to every tree. Golden-tan waves of wheat and corn, spread in a patchwork quilt to feed a continent. Busy city street with office buildings stretching to the sky…

How sad would it be, if these scenic vistas could talk, and we found out that every single one of them thought they themselves were ugly, but believed some other place was “really” pretty?

… If the amazing cascade of waters flowing over Multnomah Falls actually thought themselves unruly and undisciplined, and longed to be “as pretty as” the ornately-carved marble statues that line the streets of our nation’s capitol?

… Or if the stately redwood trees of the California coast scorned themselves, complained that they were overly tall, stocky and ungainly — and thus both hated and envied the tiny, delicate beauty of a wood violet?

… Or if the spectacular red-rainbow rocks surrounding the Grand Canyon thought themselves horrid and bare, and wished to hide themselves under thick layers of green moss like the black basalts of the Columbia Gorge?

Would the world be as beautiful, if it weren’t so varied?

And wouldn’t it be awful if every beautiful place you’d ever loved, actually hated its looks and wished to look like some other place?


What does all this have to do with self defense? I’ll tell you: a big part of my job involves watching body language while people learn to shoot. I watch body language to help people stay safe, so I can anticipate what they’re going to do next, so I can figure out what questions they might be about to ask, or whether part of my message to them didn’t make it through.

You can’t make a study of body language without becoming aware of bodies. How many different shapes and sizes and colors they come in. And how utterly beautiful most people are, when they let themselves relax and just be.

Because I try to be a good teacher, I’m usually watching what people say with their bodies when I tell them that they are worth it. That their lives are beautiful, valuable, worth defending. And it breaks my heart, every time, when I see a beautiful woman who wishes she had another woman’s type of beauty, or who thinks herself ugly because she doesn’t meet someone else’s standard for what pretty “should” look like. It breaks my heart when I see someone shake her head in denial (“Not me!”) when I tell the class that every one of them deserves to live, deserves to stay safe, deserves to go home to the people who love her.

But it’s still true.

You are beautiful, just the way you are.

Your life is worth defending.

He didn’t deserve that

My local news has a story about a (probable) self defense case that happened a few miles from my house. Comments on the story include: “Calling him a lunatic…did you know him? He also didn’t get what he deserved!! He deserved to live his life with his family and friends…”

The thing that gets me about that — it’s such a common thing for people to say, that a violent attacker doesn’t “deserve” to be killed — is that it betrays a very fundamental lack of understanding about what self defense really is.

We want it to be about justice. About fairness. About taking out a less-than-human monster who “has it coming to them.” We want it to be about someone who “needed killing.”

And it’s not.

It’s just about staying alive. It’s about staying on your feet and able to breathe until the guardians of our civilization can get there to take the offender into custody and (eventually) into court where calmer people can decide what to do about his criminal offense against you.

If you do everything it takes to stay alive when someone attacks you, that might sometimes include using deadly force to stop him from killing you. When you use every ounce of force you have available, just to stay alive, you are not deciding what the attacker “deserves.” Staying alive does not make you the judge of the other person’s actions.

It simply makes you the survivor.

“I wasn’t going down like this.”

A few days ago, I was recording a Cornered Cat Quick Tips segment with Paul Lathrop of the Polite Society Podcast. As we talked, Paul asked me about for some tips for travelers who must go into airports and other gun-free areas. He asked, “What can you do to protect yourself when you’re completely disarmed?”

My response: I told him that I have never been disarmed. Sometimes I don’t have a gun or other dedicated weapon, but that does not mean I’m entirely unarmed. I’m never without resources. Guns provide an important resource for people who want to protect themselves, but a gun isn’t the be-all, end-all of self defense.

What is?

Your ultimate resource for self defense are the things you carry inside yourself — your absolute dedication to get home safe to your family at the end of the day, your decision that you won’t be a victim, your willingness to do whatever it takes to survive, the things you’ve learned about how to protect yourself, and the physical skills you’ve developed to help you do that effectively.

Your gun won’t always be with you. Your protective husband or boyfriend won’t always be with you. Your pocketknife or pepper spray won’t always be with you. But no matter what the circumstances might be, you (and whatever you know) will always be with you!

So today, reading Lise’s Life Assurance blog, I came across an old news story (from October 2011) of a woman who fought off a knife-armed attacker. This quote from the story really jumped out at me:

“I had done what he wanted, and he was still going to hurt me, and I just decided I wasn’t going down like this.

“I have three kids, and I knew I had to fight. When his arm came up to stab at me, I hit him hard with my elbow in the face and when he let go of me, I ran.”

This woman did not have a gun or a knife of her own. What she had was an absolute determination to survive. She decided she was not going out like that. She acted quickly and decisively, and did what it took to survive. After the bad guy let go, she did not hang around to “win” the fight or make the bad guy pay for putting her in that situation. She did exactly as much as she needed to do in order to escape. And as soon as she’d done that, she left — efficiently.

You might even say, she fought like a cornered cat.

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The Rut of Indecision

An excellent question came to my email box a few days ago. It was based on the following blog post by Dr. LateBloomer: [LINK]. You’ll want to read the whole thing, but here’s the upshot:

I confess that I have had the permit for five years, yet can count on one hand the occasions where I have actually carried a concealed pistol.

She went on to explain several reasons she hasn’t carried in the past, and why she wants to change that. In her email to me, she also said that she really wants to pry herself out of her rut of indecision, and asked if I could say anything that might help — or if I could suggest some type of class or firearms training that might help. With her permission, I’m sharing here a few of the things I told her, in hopes that this will also help others who find themselves in a similar place.

Here’s what I wrote back to her:

Wow! What a terrific question. Wish I’d seen your blog post earlier (I’ve put you into my bookmarks so I can find your blog again), because you bring up a bunch of spectacular & inter-related questions. Thanks so much for pointing me to your blog post, which was very well written and clear.

Since you reached out to me personally, I will try not to feel too self-serving when I point out that my own Cornered Cat defensive handgun classes are probably the best next step for you. Honestly, the questions you brought up in your blog post are almost entirely the questions we deal with in class — everything from “How, exactly, can I keep a gun on my body during the day in a way that will let me still do all the millions of errands and chores I need to do?” to “What do I do in the ladies’ room?” and “Will carrying a gun make me paranoid?” to “How do I draw from a concealed carry position, especially if I go with an alternate carry method that’s not a strong side belt holster?”  Lots of other stuff too, including the question about how to make the transition from a cold range/square range mentality where the gun is a piece of sporting equipment, into the mindset of living with a loaded weapon that might someday be used as such.

If you are a reader, you might also find some of what you need inside the Cornered Cat book, especially the first few chapters that deal with a lot of the social, emotional, ethical, and legal questions people have about carrying guns and being prepared to use deadly force. Of course you can find some of the same material on my website, but I feel it’s much better organized inside the book, and a little less overwhelming in some ways. Since your immediate problem is a mindset concern, you might be best off starting with the written word while you’re waiting for your class time to roll around.

As a fellow control freak, I can tell you that a lot of self defense skills really boil down to becoming comfortable with controlled chaos. For example, you won’t be the one who gets to choose whether, when, or where you might face a violent crime. The criminal gets to make those decisions — and all of those most-critical decisions are completely outside your control. The event itself may feel chaotic, and will probably be both sudden and unexpected — more chaos and non-control. But you do have some control within that situation. You can control whether you have had training appropriate to dealing with crime (and not just the mechanics of running the gun). You can control what tools you will have with you, if any. And you can control what your ingrained, pre-decided responses might be. So chaos and non-control will happen, but the more things you can prep ahead of time, the more control you will be able to hold onto inside the chaotic event. (Hope that makes sense. Does it?)

On a similar level, people sometimes express concern about controlling the legal system after a self-defense event. Same thing. You can’t control whether your local legal system will decide to prosecute you after a self-defense event. (That’s a terrifying truth; sorry!) There are some variables you can use to reduce your odds, but ultimately, many of those things will be outside your immediate control. But what you can control is how well you’re prepared to make good decisions under stress, how well you’re prepared to use your gun in a skillful way that reduces the risks to others, and how well you have prepared yourself to deal with the aftermath. You can control whether you understand the deadly-force laws in your jurisdiction, whether you know what to do and say right after a shooting, whether you have quick access to legal help because you’ve done your research ahead of time.

Please forgive me if I’m reading too much into what you said, but if I understand you right, you need to get away from over-analyzing now and take the next step. For me, one thing that helped me over that hump was realizing exactly what I don’t control and what I do control. What I don’t control and can’t control is whether I’ll need a gun to defend my life or the life of an innocent other. What I do control, at least to some extent, is whether I’ll have that gun when I need it and whether I’ll know how to use it when the time comes. So (again, fellow control freak here!) instead of obsessing about all the things outside your control, take a closer and stronger look at the things you do control, and do something about those.

 In a separate email, I added the following:

One more thought. When you said you didn’t just want the decision to carry to be about fear, it kind of gave me a shiver down my spine — because it’s so true. Try this, see if it works for you:

Here’s the bottom line, for me: I absolutely love it!!! when people start asking these kinds of questions. Ultimately, each of us must find answers that work for our ownselves and our own lives. It’s okay if you look at all your choices and decide this lifestyle path isn’t for you. What hurts is staying perched on the edges, never quite deciding and never quite not deciding. That’s such an uncomfortable place to be! That’s why I love to see questions like this, because it means people are finding ways to get out of that uncomfortable spot. 

Stay safe.

Like a cornered cat

“If you have to fight, fight like a cornered cat.” That’s been my tagline for more than a dozen years. That’s why this morning, my friend John Murphy of FPF Training sent me an awesome video that illustrates this idea so very well.

Here’s the video. [LINK] Please watch it, then come back to read the rest of this post.

Seriously, you want to see this thing. Go watch it! I’ll wait.


A boy and his cat — it’s a beautiful thing.  😉

When I posted the video on my Cornered Cat Facebook page, several people wanted to know why the mom abandoned her son after the dog attack. It’s a good question: why would a mom  simply leave her crying child on the ground after something like that? What was she thinking?

There are two potential answers. Possibly both are true.

First, we cannot hear anything on these surveillance videos, and we can’t see what’s happening off-screen. It is possible, even likely, that the dog had circled around. Perhaps he was growling and snarling just out of camera view. If so, it’s not surprising that the mom stood up and raced out of the frame to chase the dog away again.

Second — and this is really why I’m placing this on the blog — it’s a really good illustration of what we mean when we talk about “tunnel vision.” Sometimes, we talk about tunnel vision as if it’s literally a problem with our eyes (and there is often a physiological component to it). But it’s much more than that. Above all else, tunnel vision is a mindset and information-processing factor.

In this case? I think the mom became tunneled in on chasing away the danger, and lost track of her main priority. What was her main priority? That would be: to keep herself and her child safe. She focused in on fighting the danger instead of staying focused on protecting the innocent.

It’s a subtle difference, but an important one. Guard your mind!

(Want to know more about how to watch a video? Click here…)

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Lots of great reading for you…

So a few days ago, on Facebook, I asked a question of my friends: “What’s the best thing you’ve ever written on your blog? Post a link here!”

The question was deliberately ambiguous, leaving room for people to wonder if I meant for them to share their most-popular post, the post they had the most fun writing, the post they believed was most “important” on some weighty issue, the most skillful prose they’d ever penned, or some other criteria. So the answers, of course, are a mixed bag of possibilities and I think the choices say something about the personalities behind the keyboards. That’s kind of cool.

In fact, the answers were so darn good and so illuminating that I felt kind of stupid that I’d never asked the question before. What an amazing group of talented writers my blog-friends are! On the downside, it kind of killed me to know that all this great stuff could vanish into the Fb fog next week, so – well, I’m putting the answers here as a historical reference.

Just so you know, I stripped away all the real-life names for everyone who isn’t 100% name-transparent on their blogs, because I’m like that, and I also fiddled with punctuation and such because I’m like that.

Ready? Here we go!

Kathy Jackson of Cornered Cat — Dum Vivimus, Vivamus!

Tracy Hughes of Trigger Therapy — I don’t have many but I think this is the most popular: The Lecture

Rob Reed of Michigan Firearms Examiner — I don’t know if this is the absolute best, but I am pretty proud of it: Advice to new concealed carry permit holders

Andrew Rothman on LiveJournal — Ask about guns? Sure, but ask about the other 99% of dangers, too

skwrn2008 of Nursing for Jesus  – I Need a Miracle

Midwest Patriot — After posting the “rant” on FB, and many kudos given, I started to blog. (I NEED to get back to it, but I tend to get caught up in the writing and forget to sleep, and such):  The Least I Could Do

Annette Evans of Beauty Behind the Blast — Shoot Your Own Match

Miguel of Gun Free Zone — On a failure of mindset, graphic content but life is not a Disney Movie: And then everything failed (NSFW, VERY VIOLENT & GRAPHIC)

Caleb Giddings of Gun Nuts Media — This is my most favorite thing. I don’t know if it’s the best, but I really enjoyed writing it. You are not an operator

The Scribbler of Scribbler’s Scrawls — Probably this Lesson Time

Near the Salty City — I would have to choose this one, back when I was still blogging: Veterans Day

Cathi Bray — One of my early posts: Ladies, You Are In Good Company!

Liston Matthews of Good Hill Press — My most popular of all time: Ruger to introduce new .22 Magnum pistol?

Doc Wesson of The Gun Nation Podcast — I have two! It All Started With a Big Bang and For the Ladies

A Girl and Her Gun — You Have Worth

Exurban Kevin of Misfires and Light Strikes – Most popular: A beginner’s guide to choosing defensive and practice 9mm ammunition and my fav: How bad is the ammo drought?

John Richardson of No Lawyers, Only Guns and Money – This has been my all time most popular post. It shows the growth of shall issue concealed carry over time. It is not updated to show Illinois or California post-Peruta. Still, it was put in the first 2nd Amendment Legal Casebook. Every Picture Tells A Story

Mad Saint Jack of the Black Sunday Society – Parody song. It’s good to have another song

Total Survivalist Libertarian Bitch Fest – This is 2 years old. I wrote it after the gun bloggers led a counter protest on the candlelight vigil. I feel sorry for the anti-gun crowd.

Barron B of The Minuteman – I’ll take my Open Letter to Joan: An Open Response to Joan Peterson

Tamara of View From the Porch – Truthfully? My favorite thing I’ve ever written on my blog is this: Anus niveus, stupor mundi…  but if we’re talking informative gun-related type posts, this is the one that has received the most traffic over the years: Big Boy Rules

Tom McHale of My Gun Culture —  My favorite (the one I had the most fun writing) was A Second Amendment Fairy Tale:  A Second Amendment Fairy Tale…

pdb – In terms of relevant longevity and lasting effect, hands down it’s this one. I wish some of the positive experiences I’ve had with excellent trainers got 1/10th the attention, but I’d like to think that I raised the general clue level a hair. American Defense Enterprises: Epic Facepalm In 3 Parts

Rob Morse of Gun Rights Examiner — Your Rights Stop Here

D.w. Drang of The Club Meter – The single post with the most hits was this one: Korea.  But this is my favorite, from back when the blog wasn’t even a year old: Safety First!

Daddy Bear of Daddy Bear’s Den – It’s a tie between this one: Now Is The Time and this one: A Barbarian’s Daughter

Jay G. of MArooned – I think this is one of my favorites: Is Freedom. Is Not Safe.

Mike W. of Another Gun Blog – My Thoughts on The Mike Vanderboegh Hooplah

James Shaw of An Englishman Abroad – Guns, Conceal Carry and Nail Polish

Marko Kloos of The Munchkin Wrangler – Turns out my most popular blog post was something guest-written by some retired USMC Major.

(In his Fb comment, Marko did not link his wonderful essay, but I will because it is a favorite of mine: Why the Gun is Civilization. And here’s the backstory for Marko’s sardonic quip about the Major: On Plagiarism. Forwarding stuff without attribution is bad, mkay?)

God, Gals, Guns, Grub – I wouldn’t say my blog posts are any better than others, but here are two with small bits of info that are important and often overlooked:  Do you Practice Like You Carry, and Teaching Our Kids to Shoot. Start’em young and they won’t have the fears to overcome when they’re adults.

Tammy Cravit of Mom With a Gun — Women, Rape, Guns and More of My Story

The “expert” mask

Every once in awhile — it happens often enough to break my heart — I run across a female instructor who feels incredibly insecure about her status as a teacher or leader or role model. People who feel that way often work hard to maintain a facade of “expert” in the eyes of their students, and sometimes this insecurity-based effort keeps them in a bad place for years on end. That’s heartbreaking.

Speaking as someone who has been around this business for a long time (I’ve been shooting for 15 years, taking professional-level training classes for 14 years, and teaching at the professional level for over 10 years now), here are a few observations I have about that.

First, the false-expert mask problem happens to male instructors too. I’m focused here on female instructors because 1) I are one, and 2) women often face an uphill battle to earn any respect from students and peers in the first place. That means we often experience the status problem at a more intense level than most male instructors do. So even though men can get caught in the same false-expert trap, it may be less surprising when it happens to women.

Second, just because something happens often, doesn’t mean it’s good. Even though it’s perfectly normal and understandable that someone who has worked hard to achieve a certain status might work equally hard to make sure others can see that they’ve reached that status, there are still good ways and less-good ways to go about doing that. Even though it might work for a little while, putting on a false mask of already knowing everything, and then using that mask to cover a fear of learning (or of being seen learning) is one of the less-good ways to maintain your “expert” status as a teacher.

And third — which brings me to my main point — the feeling itself is a lie. You don’t lose respect when you learn something new, or even when someone sees you learning it! You don’t lose your students’ respect when you improve your skills and knowledge. Quite the opposite. Students respect teachers who have a passion for learning, who have an open-minded and open-hearted way of looking at the world. As a student, literally the first thing I ever knew about Jim Cirillo was that this 72-year-old gentleman had just taken a class from a younger instructor and had learned a bunch of stuff in that class. That did not lower Cirillo’s status in my eyes; it raised it!

For women who have worked hard to get where they are, wanting to cautiously protect your “expert” status by never being seen sitting in the learning position as a student can seem like a good idea. After all, you want your students to think of you as the authority and the expert because you’re their teacher. That part’s okay. The problematic part is that you might be convinced by your own mask, and when that happens, you refuse to take more training or get more information. Your refusal to learn more or to be seen learning something new means you never can become the expert you really want to be. You’ve completely stumped yourself from growing or learning or becoming more advanced in your expertise.

Imagine if your surgeon stopped learning 20 years ago and didn’t take any classes on new surgical techniques – no continuing education, no refreshers on material they might be rusty on. Whatever they learned in med school would be all they ever knew. How good a surgeon would that doctor be at the end of a long career?

If you want to be a role model for other women, one of the roles you must model for them is that of a good student. How does an already-knowledgeable and already-skilled shooter learn more? How does she achieve a higher level of skill or refine her techniques? What does learning more look like, when an already-knowledgeable person does it? Seeing you work at learning will model something for your students that they can see in no other way.

That’s one of many, many reasons that the true experts are always learning, always finding out new things, always keeping their knowledge and skills up to date. That commitment to ongoing education is how they actually became the experts in the first place — not by getting a certificate and then jealously guarding their newfound status.

If you as an instructor set up a mask to hide behind, or too carefully guard your “don’t need to learn more” image because you don’t want your students to think less of you if they see you learning, the result is that you will probably do one of two things to your students.

1) You might prevent them from growing beyond your own current knowledge and skill set, which means you will stop them from becoming all that they otherwise could,


2) They might grow past you when they go out on their own and learn more from others, and when that happens they will find out that you’re a fraud anyway.

In either case, that’s probably not the outcome you’re looking for. For your students’ sake, and for your own, be brave enough to learn!

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