The Cornered Cat
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Growth and respect

“I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.” – Susan B. Anthony Over the past few years, I’ve grown to really … Continue reading

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Training required?

Since I am such a huge advocate of excellent firearms training, someone asked me if I support state-required training classes — either to buy or to carry a firearm. Absolutely not! Here are three core principles that inform my own … Continue reading

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Ban This Song

Presented without further comment.  

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Would *you* sign this petition?

There’s an old petition I stumbled across the other day. It was written in an old-fashioned kind of legalese, so I updated it a little to make it more modern. This is the gist of what it said. *** Some … Continue reading

“Reasonable” Restrictions

Recently received an email from someone who is in favor of “reasonable” restrictions on the right to buy, own, and carry firearms. The person wanted to know if I would support these restrictions, too, or if I would be as … Continue reading

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Web Walk

Jennifer noticed that when she had bruises on her face, some people thought she was an easy mark. She writes, “Guess who looks like the easiest person in the room to victimize?  If you guessed the one that looks like … Continue reading

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Three quotes and a story

“History doesn’t always repeat itself… sometimes it just screams ‘Why don’t you listen when I’m talking to you?’ and lets fly with a club.” – John W. Campbell, Jr. “History is a vast early warning system.” – Norman Cousins “History … Continue reading

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Crystal ball

Yesterday, someone asked me to look into my crystal ball. Do I think the current buying frenzy will ease off, prices come down, and guns become more available? If someone doesn’t already have a gun, but intends to get one, … Continue reading

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