The Cornered Cat
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Potty Training

David Yamane, of Gun Culture 2.0, tagged me in a Fb post last week. He wrote: “I just spoke with a reporter about people leaving guns in bathrooms, including 2 recently at UT-Austin. I have to confess in my mind … Continue reading

Overreacting and Fear

“When you aren’t skilled and confident, you get scared and you over react.” — Greg Ellifritz My take: In context, Greg was talking to law enforcement officers, but this applies to ordinary people just as much as it does to … Continue reading

Existential Crisis

“We may assume the attacker will be obviously bad, yet that may not be true. They may only be bad in and for that single moment you have to react. There was a church shooting were the perpetrator was member … Continue reading

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In the aftermath of tragedy, we are often treated to a spate of political articles and news stories chiding firearms owners for putting our right to own and carry firearms above the desire of other people to “feel safe.” Yet … Continue reading

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Take a second, save a leg

“The fast and/or emphatic reholster is an awesome way to shoot yourself.” – Chuck Haggard We often see people practicing for a faster draw from the holster, and as they speed up each draw they also start SLAMMING the gun … Continue reading

Which body parts…?

Key point 1: Injuries from loaded guns nearly always arise from longstanding bad habits with unloaded ones. Key point 2: Being aware of how injuries happen helps people better understand what they need to do in order to stay safe. … Continue reading

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10 Worst Holsters for Women

Gosh, I dunno about you, but I’m tired of seeing the same three articles written “for women” that we see over and over again in the firearms press. One of my friends, a well known writer who I’ll leave anonymous … Continue reading

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Belts and Business

From an anonymous Fb friend who builds wonderful holsters, belts, and other leatherwork: “I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut online, well and in person;) But for instance, I was over on a forum I frequent and someone … Continue reading

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