The Cornered Cat
Unintentional Discharges Project – Part 3

Several of my gun-owning friends have asked me about the (sigh) political side of the “Unintended” project. Have I thought about the risks and dangers of collecting and talking openly about these events? Do I realize that this work could … Continue reading

Unintentional Discharges Project – Part 2

Awhile back, I got interested in how firearms mishaps occur — especially mishaps that involve experienced shooters who should know better. What leads up to them? What mistakes are frequently made and why are those mistakes made? When a gun … Continue reading

Unintentional Discharges Project – Part 1

Still busily working away on the ND / AD / UD project. Do you wonder how it’s coming along? Well… here’s the bottom line, right up front. *** Unintentional discharges happen when people handle firearms … while distracted or physically … Continue reading

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Unintentional and unexpected discharges — ND, AD, and other

Right now, I’m looking for people who have either experienced or personally witnessed an unexpected, accidental or negligent discharge who are willing to tell their stories anonymously. These would be used in an upcoming book project. If this describes you, … Continue reading

What is “Training”?

Words mean things. For example, the word “training” does not mean the same thing as the word “education.” In the same way, the word “practice” does not mean the same thing as “training”, and neither one is the same as … Continue reading

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