The Cornered Cat
The holster pile

It’s safe to say that I have a few more holsters than the average. I sorted through them this week and boy howdy was that a big job. But now they are all neatly organized, labeled,  entered on the spreadsheet, and sorted into specific boxes so I should — at least theoretically! — always be able to find the one I’m looking for from now on. Although I suspect a few of them escaped the cataloging, and are hiding underneath the furniture somewhere.

How many holsters, you ask? Well… there are enough to let me use a new one every single day for six months without repeating any. Plus another six weeks or so of holstered purses. Hey, it’s my job!

The funny part is, I’m still carrying the same model of gun I chose when I first started shooting. That’s weird. Even weirder: I carried my first holster for nearly three years before I even bothered sampling anything else, because my first holster worked so well for me. After more than a dozen years, I still carry the same gun model and the same basic type of holster when I’m not deliberately trying something new for the job. So I guess you could say I struck it lucky right off.

That’s not normal.

Normal is going through a half-dozen holsters the first few months you carry. Normal is choosing a first gun, then selling it, then buying another, going through at least three or four other guns — smaller, bigger, thinner, more capacity, round and round and round we go — until you find your One True Sword. Normal is doing that until you run out of either patience or money. But I wasn’t normal. I was fortunate.

I chose my first gun like this: I wanted something really, really reliable. I didn’t want a revolver, because they didn’t hold enough ammunition. I wanted the least-expensive ammunition that would do the job, because we were always broke. The gun had to be small enough to carry. Also, did I mention reliable? Reliable was really important. I gave my list to my expert friend, and he said, “Hm. You want a Glock.” That’s how I ended up with my Glock 26 in 9mm. Since neither of us really knew what we were looking for, it was sheer dumb luck that the gun turned out to fit my hand so well and suited me in so many other ways. 1

Holster shopping was even more fortuitous. My permit to carry came in the mail one day, and the next day my friend said, “Let’s go get you a holster.” Well, okay. We got in the car and drove up to the Blade Tech factory. When we got there, the person behind the counter asked what I wanted. I wasn’t sure. She showed me some choices. I said, “That one.” Then I sat down and waited while the guys in the back melted one into shape for me. 2 When the holster was done, I stepped aside to try it on, anxiously adjusting my clothes around the awkward new bump on my hip. Then I turned around and worriedly asked, “Does the holster make me look fat?” 3

Nobody had told me not to do this, so I immediately loaded my gun and carried it home in my new, untried holster. 4 Hmm? Oh, because I’d never drawn from it, of course, and had no real idea how secure or insecure it was. You should always try out a new holster using an unloaded gun or a dummy gun, to be sure everything’s working well before you go live with it. I didn’t know.


Anyway, the holster pile’s a lot bigger now. It started growing when I started writing, and has kept growing ever since. Because I absolutely refuse to write anything about a holster I haven’t worn, almost all of my holsters have some wear marks on them. Some of them I’ve worn quite a lot, while others I’ve worn just enough to know how they work (or, sadly, how they don’t work for me). I’ll be introducing you to some of them over the next few weeks.




  1. I even thought it was cute, which — my friends assured me — was also not quite a normal way to think about a Glock.
  2. I don’t think they do that anymore. The company’s a lot larger now, and uses a different manufacturing process. Back then the company was tiny, and I think they used the founder’s wife’s hair dryer for melting stuff. Well, maybe not. But they weren’t a big business by any measure.
  3. No, I didn’t know why my buddy laughed. It’s a reasonable question.
  4. Yes, we stopped at Wally World on the way home.

7 Responses to The holster pile

  1. kalaryn says:

    It does seem finding the right gun and/or holster is like any other relationship, you just have to find that right one.

    So far my carry gun is going to be a Sig Sauer P238, it’s okay, it feels okay but it seems I underestimate the gun too much and my targeting is off because of this. I just need more practice with it and it is getting better. I do love my 1911 but I’m small and conceal carrying that isn’t an option.

    I see nothing wrong with thinking a gun is cute, I thought my sig was cute and I got the same comment from my friend too. lol.

    I love how you shared that you asked if it made you look fat, that was beautiful. lol

    • Kathy Jackson says:

      The P238 is a good gun — and I agree with you that it’s cute too. 🙂

  2. CNY DJ says:

    Just curious which blade tech holster you use.
    I have a couple owb belt holsters as well as I use the T-shirt hosters (which are awesome) but was thinking for some summer wear I might want to look into an IWB style.

    • Kathy Jackson says:

      I used the Blade Tech UCH for several years. After they redesigned it four or five years back, it rode just a skosh too high and no longer worked well for me. But my primary holster is still a Kydex one-attachment tuckable carried in the appendix position. My current fave came from Custom Carry Concepts. Simple & rugged.

  3. SheliaIndy says:

    I’ve bought my gun, gone to the range, received my carry permit, now for the holster. Decisions, decisions. I love my first gun, and I’m hoping I’ll find and love my first holster. You’re my first and most informative female gun website. Your book is my first gun book. Looking forward to lots of time on your blog.

    • Kathy Jackson says:

      Thanks for the kind words. It means a lot to me! Good luck on your holster search.

  4. Spider Elliott says:

    I chose my Glock 19 for the exact same reason you did. Reliable, reliable, reliable, shoots 9mm and fit in my thin, slender hands.

    I found that I couldn’t conceal the G19 in my small frame, so I picked up a G26. But I still prefer to shoot my G19 because of the way it fits in my hand.

    Yes, G26 may be “cute,” but I understand Walter PPK is even smaller. And no one calls 007 a wimp. 😉

    Interestingly, I saw several guns that jammed the last time I was at the firing range. None of them were Glocks.

    Now, I need to find me a decent holster or two. I hope I get to find one without having to go through six month’s worth.

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