The Cornered Cat
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Hard Work

Learning to effectively use a handgun for self-defense is hard work, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Although anyone can learn to point the gun in the general direction of an assailant and yank the trigger, there’s a lot … Continue reading

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Growth and respect

“I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.” – Susan B. Anthony Over the past few years, I’ve grown to really … Continue reading

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New article

So I’ve neglected the blog shamefully this week, but I haven’t been slacking. There’s actually a new article on Cornered Cat. The subject is: Superpowers! Go read it. You can leave  your comments here, and it makes me happy when … Continue reading

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Practice when ammo supplies are short

The question came up the other day: “How can I practice when ammunition supplies are so short?” Here are my ideas for improving your skills even without running through a lot of rounds. *** Dry fire to practice better trigger … Continue reading

Look to your right

This would apparently be a good time to explore the links on the sidebar.  😉  

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Work worth doing

When I was a child, my dad would often spout a bit of homespun wisdom at me: “A job worth doing is worth doing well,” he would say. Sometimes he would even quote a little poem: If a task is … Continue reading

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Safe direction

One thing that often surprises me about firearms instructors is how much we take for granted. This little business of a “safe direction,” for example. We often teach our students to chant the rule (“Always keep the gun pointed in … Continue reading

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From my email box

Dear Cornered Cat: This morning I put on a delightful cream colored baby-doll top which I have previously found particularly flattering on my figure. After looking in the mirror, I quickly changed into a black T-shirt. Why? My gun and … Continue reading

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