The Cornered Cat
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Reholster without looking? Grab for a falling gun?

So here’s a surveillance video of an off-duty cop in an elevator, talking to his wife. Apparently, the gun riding in his holster just behind his right hip felt uncomfortable to him, so he took advantage of a private moment … Continue reading

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Lessons from the headlines #6: How _not_ to check out your new holster

Over the years, several people have wondered why I recommend never putting a loaded gun into your new holster right away. “Wait, what? Did she just say not to use my new holster immediately??” Why, yes. Yes I did. Never … Continue reading

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Fear and the freeze response

On the Cornered Cat Facebook page the other day, I linked to a very personal story of one woman’s experience with violence. It’s an ugly story, and a compelling one. It’s from Limatunes, and in it, she explains what happened … Continue reading

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All you have to do

It happened again the other night. Someone on my Facebook page (you do follow Cornered Cat on Facebook, don’t you?) made an interesting statement that’s worth discussing here. Here’s part of what they said: “All you need to do is … Continue reading

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Willing and Able

To protect yourself from violent crime, you must be willing and able to act decisively when the criminal attacks. Willing and able. We use that phrase a lot. When I was a child, I thought it was one big compound … Continue reading

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Yesterday, I blogged about giving yourself permission to protect your own life. This isn’t really a one-step, one-time thing. It’s an ongoing process, a deliberate series of decisions to set yourself free from the things you didn’t realize were holding … Continue reading

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Lessons from the headlines #5

This happened not too far from my hometown. According to the county sheriff as reported by a local news site, an intruder entered a home where a man and his wife were sleeping. The residents woke up as the intruder … Continue reading

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I keep a running list of blog-post titles and ideas. Some of them are long enough they’re practically posts already and just need to be polished and thrown up there when the time is right. Some are brief and cryptic. … Continue reading

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